Chapter 17

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Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again

Lovesong, Adele (The Cure Cover)

You roam down the halls of the academy. You had just finished delivering something for Professor Banner and you suddenly now found yourself wandering around the school. "You look so bored, Y/N." "I am bored but I don't have anything else to do." "There has to be something you can do other than roam around the academy." "I'll figure something out." "Alright then." You were walking when you suddenly bump into someone, falling down during the process. You look up and hear Alexis ask, "You okay?" She helps you up and you reply, "I'm fine, Alexis. Just walking around." Alexis asks, "Want some company? I don't have anything else to do." You smile, "I'd like that."

You and Alexis walk down the hall together, just making small talk. Alexis asks, "Did you hear that there's some kind of dance in two days?" You said, "This is the first I've heard of it." Alexis groans, "Mindy forced me to stay up and listen to her talk about it. Apparently, it's called the Butterfly Ball and the dress code is super fancy." You ask, "Like long dresses and suits?" She nods and said, "Now I have to go dress shopping alone unless you want to come." You admit, "My parents sent me a package that arrived the other day, and I saw that they sent me a really pretty dress." Alexis said, "Lucky." You reply, "I'll go shopping with you though, so you don't feel super awkward or anything." Alexis gives you a smile in response.

*****Later that day*****

You and Alexis were in the city, you were helping Alexis shop for a dress for the upcoming Butterfly Ball. You were amazed at how large the mall was, the place was very crowded and you both wanted to find a dress quickly but also wanted to look around for a bit too.

Alexis said, "Let's go to this one first!" "She sounds so excited." "Trust me, she really is." "I hope she finds a dress that suits her." "That's why I'm helping her as best as I can." "Good luck. I have to make sure the Kuribohs won't go ballistic over nothing." You quietly giggle and wish your partner luck. You follow the excited Obelisk girl and shake your head in amusement.

Jaden asks, "Where did Y/N go?" Yubel answers, "Something about dress shopping with that Rhodes girl after she finished whatever she was doing." Jaden said, "I thought Y/N already had a dress." Yubel replied, "She does, I mean they're going for the Obelisk girl. Apparently all the girls are going crazy over some kind of dance coming up in two days." Jaden inquires, "A dance in two days?" Yubel responds, "Yes Jaden. Two days. I think that you should at least do your part too and at least look okay for this." Dark Magician Girl appeared and spoke up, "I think that Y/N would love you more than she already does, Jaden. She would want you to at least look dressed up for this dance. She's never been to a school dance, only extremely boring social parties she was forced to attend because of her parents' travels." Jaden stops, "So Y/N has never been to a school thing before?" Dark Magician Girl answers, "Never. She told me one day after one of those parties how she wished that she could go to some kind of school dance or something close to it someday. I felt sorry for her but Y/N never really felt any kind of pity towards herself, she was always very happy." Jaden chuckles, "Sounds like Y/N alright. So when are they coming back?" Yubel comments, "Let her be for a while, Jaden. She's always with you." Jaden turned scarlet and said, "I just miss her when she's gone for so long." Flame Wing Sorceress groans, "We get it, lover boy."

You walk around with Alexis until she stops at another store, so far, she hasn't found a single dress that she loves since you both arrived. "How has it been going so far?" "Not good. Alexis hasn't found a dress that she loves yet and I'm beginning to wonder where her dream dress is." "I'm sure that she'll find it soon." "Y/N I think I found something!" You follow Alexis' voice and find her holding a blue dress. Why am I not surprised. Alexis said, "I'm going to go try it on." You nod, "Have fun." Alexis comes out a few minutes later, the dress was long, strapless and for Alexis perfectly. You smile at her, "You look pretty." Alexis spins around, "You think so?" You nod, "Yes I do." Alexis looked happy when you said that, her eyes sparkling with joy at the compliment of her elegant appearance. She said, "Let's go look for some other things." "At least she found her dress." "I'm happy for her, it took about five stores but I'm glad that Alexis found her dress." "What about you?" "What about me?" "You need things for your dress too, Y/N." You follow Alexis around the boutique and look for things for your own dress.

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