Chapter 19

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A/N: this chapter is full of flashbacks from the previous chapter just to let you all know. :). Also the rest of the chapters (including the epilogue will be short since I start uni soon. Sorry guys.) I know you want longer chapters but I just don't have time to write them. Please understand that.

It was just after classes had ended, you were thinking back to all the memories that were held inside your heart. The first time you arrived at the academy, your first duel, meeting Jaden, the shadow demons, etc. All those memories had different meanings for you. Meanings that you would never forget.

Jaden asks, "What are you thinking about?" You reply, "Memories. I'm thinking about everything that's happened ever since I came here. A lot has happened since I came to Duel Academy." Jaden nods, "Yeah, so much has happened that it's almost hard to forget that it's almost been a full year or so since you came. The memory that sticks in my head was the first fight with the shadow demons." You remembered what had happened during that fight.


The male demon laughs, "Looks like we have company!" You yell, "Why are you hurting the students of this academy?" The demon answers, "Power. We want power!" He adds, "We're going to redeem our names as shadow demons after what the Spellcaster Maiden did to us three millennia ago. We're starting by getting rid of the things that started this." Jaden asks, "What's that?" The demon laughed once more, "Human spirits. They're useless spirits that roam our world and do nothing to make it worth living in." You said, "You can't just kill off the human race for your own evil purposes!" The demon cackles, "I can and I will! You two will be my first victims."

You ask, "Are you sure about this, Atticus?" He nods and said encouragingly, "You can do it, Y/N." Jaden added, "Yeah Y/N, don't be so down about this. Just kick this guy's butt!" You chuckle, "Sure thing, Jay." You said, "Alright, Draven. It's time to end this!" Draven said, "I'm ready. Show me what you've got, Spellcaster Maiden." "How are you not annoyed by that?" "Trust me, it's taking everything I have to not punch this idiot's face." You continue, "I activate Reinforcement of the Army! With it I can summon a Warrior-type monster to the field with 1500 or less ATK points. Say hello to Elemental HERO Burstinatrix! Next, I summon Elemental HERO Avian in Attack mode and finally I'm activating the Spell, Ancient Rules. With this Spell, I can summon a Level 5 or above monster from my hand! Take to the field, Dark Magician Girl!" You add, "I use Polymerization to fuse them all together! I summon Elemental HERO Oriel, the Flame Sage! Thanks to one of her abilities, she gains 400 ATK for every Spellcaster on the field or in my graveyard." Your monster's ATK increases to 4400. You continue, "Now I'm equipping Oriel with One-Shot Wand and she gains 800 ATK points." Draven became shocked, "5300 ATK points?!?" You reply, "That's right! Now you're going to face the consequences of hurting my friends and fellow classmates! Oriel, seal the fate of this shadow demon with Flaming Feather Storm!" The male demon's LP goes down to zero, and you all watch him fade away.

****flashback over****

You shudder, "That's something I'm still trying to forget about." Jaden asks, "Remember your first duel with Chazz?" You nod, "That was a very eventful duel, that's for sure."


Before you could speak any more, a dark haired boy in an onyx uniform said, "You're just going to let her join our class like this?!? I say that she has to duel one of us in order to join." No! Anything but that! Hold on. Then again, that did make you feel at ease. You reply, "Alright. I'll duel one of you." Everyone gasps in shock. The dark haired boy adds, "How about I duel you? It'll be good practice for exams in a couple of months." Your first duel. The boy continues, "The name's Chazz." Egotistic much.

You both said, "Duel!" Chazz smirks at you, "I'm going be a gentleman and let you go first, newbie." Here goes nothing. Deck, lend me your help. I think I should play it safe for now. Jaden calls out, "You can do it! Don't let Chazz intimidate you!" You hear Chazz retort, "Shut it, Slifer Slacker!" You speak, "Alright, it's my move! So get ready!" Chazz laughs, "This is going to be easy." You ignore him and look at your cards. Amores, Blue Dragon Summoner, Polymerization, Rose Bud, Magicians Unite and Sakeretsu Armor. Not a good hand, you thought. You think to yourself, "I can make this work." You continue, "I summon Amores of Prophecy in Defense mode!" Chazz remarks, "What's a little kid's toy going to do?" You remark, "I haven't even told you her ability yet. You see by revealing Spellbook of Secrets, I can summon a level 4 or below monster from my hand. I'm going use her ability to summon the Blue Dragon Summoner but he's going to Defense mode. I end my turn with two face downs." Let's hope that this works. Chazz snorts, "What kind of starting move is that? I'll show you a real starting move!" We'll see, Chazz. Chazz continues, "I send Armed Dragon Level 3 to my grave to Special Summon Armed Dragon Level 5!" Uh oh. Spoke too soon. You hear someone appear beside you, "Stay calm, Y/N." You mentally answer, "How? He's already summoned a higher level monster within his first couple of cards."

You speak mentally, "Your pacing isn't really helping, Crystal Seer." The female spirit answers, "That dragon seems like it wants to eat us alive!" You answer, "Not helping!" She just stood by your side. Chazz spoke confidently, "I'm going to get my dragon to destroy your Blue Dragon Summoner!" Just what I predicted. You answer, "I was hoping that you would do that." Chazz asks, "Why?" You reply, "So I can summon its special ability! Now I can add a random Spellcaster, Dragon or Warrior type monster from my deck to my hand." Chazz replies, "So what? Since my dragon destroyed a monster, I can send it to the grave so I can summon Armed Dragon Level 7. Now I end my turn." You feel another spirit present. Is there another spirit somewhere? You see what card you added, Dark Magician Girl. This card had gotten you out of a lot of tough situations. You think to yourself, "If his dragon destroys another monster, he can Special Summon his Armed Dragon Level 10." Chazz's eyes widens and he thinks to himself, "How can the newbie talk to spirits?" You say, "I play a face down and end my turn."

Chazz remarks, "You're going down, newbie! Armed Dragon Level 7, destroy her stupid toy!" Crystal Seer remarks, "This is bad." You reply, "Tell me about it. Not only can he special summon his Level 10 dragon, he's going to attack me directly!" Chazz continues, "Now I'm sending my Armed Dragon Level 7 to my grave so I can summon Armed Dragon Level 10!" You brace yourself, "Here it comes!" Chazz went on, "Armed Dragon Level 10, attack the newbie directly!" You stagger and your LP drops to 1000. You think to yourself, "If I don't summon something quick, I'm going to become dragon food." Chazz concludes, "I think that's enough damage for now." You close your eyes and draw. One monster, if I can draw the right monster, then I can win this. You draw and breathe a sigh of hope. You begin, "I'm going to start by summoning Dark Magician Girl in attack mode! Next, I'm summoning Elemental HERO Burstinatrix." You continue, "Now I'm going fuse them together and defeat you! I Fusion Summon, the Flame Wing Sorceress!" Chazz remarks, "Your monster is no match for mine!" You answer, "That's why I'm equipping her with the equip spell, Bound Wand!" Jaden asks a boy in a yellow uniform, "Hey Bastion. What does Bound Wand do?" Bastion replied, "Bound Wand is an equip spell that raises the Attack points of a Spellcaster type monster by 100 points multiplied by its level. Since Flame Wing Sorceress has only 2400 ATK points, with that card since it's a Level 8, it's goes up to 3200." You add, "I'm not done yet, because with her ability, if she successfully attacks a monster and destroys it, she can attack again!" You declare, "Now charge, Flame Wing Sorceress and destroy that dragon! Flaming Wind Sceptre!" Chazz's LP drops once to 3800. Your monster attacks once more and his LP drops again to 600. You went on, "Now I'm going to play a Spell Card! Poison of the Old Man! I'm going to use it too inflict 800 points of direct damage to you!" Chazz realizes, "That means-" His LP drops to 0. You breathe out a sigh of relief. Crystal Seer comments, "Good job, Y/N."

****flashback over****

You said, "Chazz hasn't changed one bit. He was more surprised when he found out that I could see spirits." Jaden looked surprised, "Really?" Jaden remembers, "Yubel was the one that first told me that you could see spirits." You said, "Yubel is quite the observant one, that's for sure." Yubel said, "That is something I won't deny." You said, "Can you believe that we're all graduating soon?" Jaden replies, "It's crazy to think about that's for sure."

You think about what might happen next for the both of you, the day of graduation slowly approaching you.

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