Chapter 14

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A/N: Hey sweet readers! Sammi here! Now this chapter is going to be a filler chapter (I rarely write these so yay). Comment any suggestions that you might have for the next four chapters (can't believe that it's almost over already!!). I want to know what you guys think: what do you think should happen to Jaden and the MC? I'm not writing a marriage chapter though...sorry! It just doesn't fit with this series (in my opinion anyway). Ok so I have an idea but I need your opinion! I was thinking of writing more Yu-Gi-Oh inserts followed by about two Vampire Knight ones and finally followed by two Mew Mew Power ones. What do you think? Yay or nay?

You winced slightly as you were getting dressed. You mutter, "Should not have done that." Yubel commented, "That seems very painful." You reply, "It just hurts to move in certain ways. I'm fine. Don't worry about me, Yubel." Yubel responds, "When you say that, it makes me worry even more." Valkyria said, "Join the club." You point out, "Not helping my case, Valkyria." Jaden asks, "Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" You look at your bandaged wrist and try moving it, only to have the same reaction. Spoke too soon. Jaden noticed that you were in pain and gently takes your hands. He places a gentle kiss on both your wrists and says, "Just take it slow, okay? Don't push yourself, you just got out of the hospital yesterday." You reply, "Okay."

You walk into the duelling arena where Banner's class would be today. You sit with Jaden, watching as there were two groups of students together. Jaden wonders, "What are they doing?" You answer, "Probably practicing for the tournament later this week. I would be surprised if they were just doing it for an assignment or something." Banner said to two students, "You did a good job but your timing was off when it came to countering your opponent's strategy." The students nod and go back to where they were sitting. Professor Banner saw the both of you and you both look at each other, not liking what he might just propose. Banner asks, "Would you mind showing some of the students how communication is key in a tag duel?" Jaden asks, "Are you up for it?" You answer, "I'd never say no to a duel." Jaden said in concern, "You're in pain though, Y/N." You shrug, "I can handle it. Besides, it's going to take more than a little pain to bring me down." Jaden chuckled, "If you say so."

You were surprised that you were both duelling Hassleberry and Alexis. Banner said, "Alright, children, I want to see you all duel fairly." You all said, "Duel!" Hassleberry spoke first, "I'm goin' first! Sabersaurus, report for duty! Next I place a card face down and end my turn." What are they up to? Alexis spoke next, "I hope you two are ready because we aren't going to go easy on you!" You reply, "I'm ready to see what your deck's power is like, so bring it on!" Alexis said, "I summon Blade Skater in Attack mode, then I summon Ètoile Cyber also in Attack mode! Now I fuse them together with Polymerization to summon, Cyber Blader! I end my turn with one card face down." Cyber Blader has some special abilities that are rather troublesome. Jaden said, "Why don't you start? I'm sure you want to show them what you're made of." You ask, "Are you sure?" He nods and replies, "I always start for us, I want to see how you fare when you start for us." Hassleberry said, "Sorry Y/N but we ain't going to hold back just because you're our friend." Just what I had thought. You answer, "I feel the same way and I'm going to show you some monsters that not even Jaden knows about! My move." Amores, Blue Dragon Summoner, Valkyria, Dark Magician Girl and Sage's Stone. This is actually a good hand, I feel proud. You continue, "I summon Amores of Prophecy and I'm going to activate her ability. By revealing one Spellbook spell, I can summon a Level 4 or below Spellcaster from my hand! I choose Magician's Valkyria! Also with the effect of Spellbook of Secrets, I can add a random Spellbook spell from my deck to my hand!" Thank Ra for that effect. You conclude, "I end with two face downs." Alexis warns Hassleberry, "Be careful of Y/N's deck, it's pretty strong and we have no idea what either her or Jaden will pull out." Hassleberry nods in understanding. Jaden exclaims, "Sweet moves!" You reply, "Don't be happy yet, we still have to deal with the abilities of Alexis' monster and both of their face downs." Jaden responds, "Okay, Y/N." Jaden said, "It's my turn. I summon Elemental HERO Neos in defense mode, now I'm just going to throw down a face down." Alexis said, "Alright, my move! I summon Cyber Tutu in attack mode and since your monster's ATK points are higher than Cyber Tutu's, I can attack you directly!" I don't like the sound of that! Alexis continues, "Alright Cyber Tutu, attack Jaden directly!" Jaden's LP drops to 3000. Alexis adds, "That's all for now." Hassleberry spoke next, "I'm going to start by activating Big Evolution Pill! By tributin' Sybersaurus, I can normal summon Dinos without tributin' any monsters. So I'm callin' Archeonys to the field and I'm usin' it to attack you directly, Y/N!" Totally saw that coming. You stay calm as your LP drops to 3700. You hear him say, "That's it for now." Now, it's time to show them what happens when they mess with us. You begin, "I begin by activating a spell called The A. Forces! Since Jaden has a warrior on the field, it's ATK increases by 200 for every Warrior or Spellcaster on the field." Neos' ATK increases to 2900. Jaden exclaims, "Sweet!" You continue, "Now I'm going to summon Element Magician and Apprentice Magician! Now I'm fusing them together with Valkyria to summon something that will make you regret messing with us! I summon Crystal Apprentice Valkyria!" Alexis said, "I activate the ability of Cyber Blader!" You remark, "I counter your monster's effect with my own! You see my Crystal Apprentice Valkyria has some pretty cool abilities, she can negate the effects of your monster and she's not affected by it. Since you have more than three monsters on the field, I can discard one card and destroy one of your monsters! Say bye bye to Cyber Blader!" Cyber Blader is destroyed and Alexis' LP drops to 2500. You add, "Oh and since she destroyed your monster, she can attack you directly! Attack with Crystal Light Force!" Alexis' LP drops to zero and she becomes shocked. You remark, "You're not the only one who's been practicing, Alexis." Alexis said to Hassleberry, "Good luck." Hassleberry nods, "Count on it." You add, "Now I'm summoning Dark Magician Girl in attack mode and next I'm activating Sage's Stone, so I can add Dark Magician to my hand! I activate the spell, Ancient Rules so I can bring him to the field! With that I end my turn." Jaden asks, "Mind if I borrow Dark Magician? I have an idea." You said, "My cards are your cards." "Hey Dark Magician, want to work with Jaden?" "We are a team, milady. It would be my honour to serve him for this duel." "Alright, because I think that he has a plan." "I will do my best, Lady Y/N." You hear Jaden say, "I'm fuse Neos and Dark Magician together! This is a first! A magician and a warrior joining forces! I summon Elemental HERO Neos Mage. Oh and he has some sweet abilities too! He can attack you directly and I can draw two more cards. Now attack Hassleberry directly!" Hassleberry's LP drops to 1200, making everyone shocked. Jaden adds, "This is one sweet monster! Thanks for letting me piggyback on your move, Y/N." You reply, "No need to thank me, Jaden." Jaden continued, "Now I summon Elemental HERO Sparkman in attack mode and I'm equipping him with Spark Blaster! Alright Sparkman, end this duel!" Hassleberry's LP goes down to zero and you give Jaden a high five. Hassleberry said, "Dang!" Banner said, "Very well done, all of you."

~~Later that day~~

Jaden said, "I'm excited about this tournament!" You giggle, "You sound like a kid in a candy shop but I'll let it go since you're so cute." Jaden puffs out his chest, "I'm not cute! I'm manly!" You said, "You're cute to me. Sorry, J." Jaden whines, "Take it back!" You reply, "Not happening!" Jaden grabs you and kisses you fiercely. You were a bit taken aback by the sudden kiss and you hear Jaden say, "I've been wanting to do that all day." "Get a room you two!" "We are in a room." "Well stop being so cute!" Jaden asks, "How's the pain?" You answer, "It still hurts a bit but I'm fine." Jaden weaves his hand into your own and gazes at you lovingly. Jaden asks, "Are you happy?" You ask, "What do you mean?" He clarifies, "Are you happy with me?" You reply, "Are you crazy? Of course I'm happy with you!" Jaden kept holding your hand and you feel him pull you into a warm embrace. Jaden asked, "Can we stay like this for a while?" You answer, "Yes." You bury your face in Jaden's chest and hear him say, "You're so adorable, sweetheart."

You were glad that everything had gone back to the way it was before. You wrote down what you needed for an assignment and put it aside. You were thinking about the tag duel tournament and you wondered if you should enter. Jaden whines, "Come back, Y/N! I want to cuddle with you." You sigh, "Fine but only because you want to." You didn't want to admit it, but you loved to cuddle with Jaden. Jaden snakes his arms around you, his grip on your body becoming firmer as he held you. He pecks your cheek and he asked, "Remember when we first ran into each other?" You think, "I remember. It was interesting though."

****flash back****

You hear someone say, "There you are." You turn around and see a blue haired boy with the brunette boy from earlier. He asks, "You're the new girl right?" You nod, "I guess word travels fast around here." He said, "I'm Syrus Truesdale. This is my roommate-" The brunette boy exclaims, "I'm Jaden Yuki! What's your name?" You were taken aback for a moment before answering, "Oh um....i-it's Y/N." Syrus exclaimed, "Jaden! Don't startle her like that!" Jaden said, "Chill, Sy."

****flashback over****

You giggle at the memory, "Syrus wanted to make sure that I wasn't uncomfortable and you didn't seem fazed by it. You were telling Syrus to chill out." Jaden blushes in embarrassment, "I didn't mean to scare you like that back then. I thought I could just lighten up the atmosphere to make you feel more at home." You said, "You're lucky to have such supportive and kind people as your friends, Jaden." Jaden asked, "Did you have any friends outside of Duel Academy at all, Y/N?" You shook your head, "Not really. My family moved around a lot, so I didn't have time to make any friends." Jaden responds, "That must've been really hard. I understand how you feel. My parents always worked so I rarely saw them. Yubel was my only friend as a little kid and after that I almost forgot about her until she had hurt my friends in an alternate dimension. I eventually forgave her but I couldn't bear to think that my friends were in danger because of me, it was too hard to think about and it really hurt me." Yubel had a guilty look on her face, "I still feel horrible about it, even though it was a while ago." You said, "That made your bond with Yubel stronger, didn't it? I know it was a terrible thing to happen but eventually your bond strengthened." Yubel was amazed, "How can you get that out of a horrible incident?" You answer, "I've never had any friends but I've been through a lot of terrible things myself, but Valkyria was with me and she helped me through everything." Valkyria adds, "There are many obstacles throughout someone's life that might hurt them but they eventually learn from them and they become wiser. Good or bad, you can never predict what will happen with your own life." Jaden said, "There is one thing I can say though." You ask, "What's that?" Jaden kisses your forehead and says, "I'm going to be with you forever and I won't let you out of my sight."

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