Chapter 20

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It was the day of graduation. You couldn't believe that it was the day that meant leaving Duel Academy and your friends. You were nervous but excited at the same time. It was about an hour after you'd all written your exams, and you were packing everything up.

Jaden asks, "Where are you going to go after we graduate, sweetheart?" You answer, "I don't know to be honest." Jaden proposed, "Why don't you stay with me? My parents are rarely home and it gets lonely sometimes." You ask, "Are you sure?" Jaden smiles, "You're my girlfriend, of course it's okay." You smile back and reply, "I'll take you up on that offer. At least I won't be lonely." Jaden shakes his head, "You won't be anymore, Y/N." You ask, "Remember when we both had our first tag duel against my parents?" Jaden responds, "Yeah! It was a sweet duel."


Your father spoke first, "I'll start us off!" You nervously watch him draw and hear him continue, "I summon Cyber Archfiend in Attack Mode and I'm going to equip it with Axe of Despair!" He adds, "Next, I summon Card Guard. I end my turn with one card face down." Your mother spoke next, "My turn! First, I summon Red Archery Girl in Attack Mode and I equip her with Steel Shell, which increase her ATK by 400. With that, I end my turn." You think carefully, "They have three monsters, two equipped with spells that make their ATK higher and the other with nothing on it but one that's still powerful. I need to get rid of that face down somehow."  You ask Jaden, "Do you want to go first?" Jaden answers excitedly, "Sure!" He continued, "Okay, it's time to get your game on! I summon Elemental HERO Avian in Attack Mode and next I'm bringing out Elemental HERO Burstinatrix! Now I'm going to bring them together with Polymerization, come on out, Elemental HERO Flame Wingman! I'm throwing down a face down to end my turn!" "Nice move, Jay." "Thanks, partner." You breathe, "It's my turn." You draw your cards and become nervous.

You stare at the cards in your hand and think. You hear Jaden whisper to you, "Chill out. Just do what you do best." You nod, "I'll try." You speak up, "I summon Amores of Prophecy in Attack mode. I'm using her special ability to reveal Spellbook of Secrets, then I'm summoning Blue Dragon Summoner in Defense mode. With the effect of Spellbook of Secrets, I can add a Spellbook spell from my deck to my hand." You add Spellbook of Wisdom to your hand. You continue, "Now I activate, Mystical Space Typhoon and I'm using it to destroy your face down card." Your father's face down was instantly destroyed. You conclude, "I place two face downs and end my turn." Your father said, "My turn. I tribute Cyber Archfiend in order to summon Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning! Next, I summon Summoned Skull and now I'm fusing them both together. I Fusion Summon, the Archfiend Black Skull Dragon!" Uh oh. Your father declares, "Now, Archfiend Black Skull Dragon, destroy Blue Dragon Summoner!" You reply, "I should be thanking you for doing that." Your mother asks, "Why?" You answer, "I can activate it's special ability! Now I can add a Warrior, Spellcaster or Dragon-type Normal monster from my deck to my hand." You see what you had added: Dark Magician. Your father continues, "Now I'm getting Card Guard to destroy your Amores of Prophecy!" Uh oh. That's not good. Your LP goes to 3400. Your father concludes, "With that, I'm ending my turn." Your mother said, "Okay, I'm next. I summon Gem-Knight Sapphire in ATK mode, and then I fuse it with the Gem-Knight Topaz in my hand! I summon, Gem-Knight Aquamarine!" She concludes, ''I end my turn." You say to Jaden, "That's one powerful monster." Jaden nods, "That makes me even more excited.'' Jaden said, "My turn! Okay Flame Wingman! Attack Gem-Knight Aquamarine with Skydive Scorcher!" Your mother's LP goes to 3850. Jaden adds, "Oh and due to my Flame Wingman's ability, you take damage equal to your destroyed monster." Her LP goes down to 1900. It's time to prove them wrong. Jaden said, "I end my turn."

You were scared, actually make that terrified. Now it was your turn, you had no monsters on the field and only two spells to help you. You begin, "I summon Dark Magician Girl in Attack mode, next I activate Sage's Stone. With this spell, I can Special Summon Dark Magician." Both your parents said, "This isn't good." You continue, "It's good for me because now I'm going to summon Element Magician! I use Polymerization to fuse Dark Magician Girl and Element Magician together! I summon Dark Element Witch!" Everybody's eyes widened, "4000 ATK points?!?" You say, "That's right! I activate it's special ability! It gains 500 ATK for every Spellcaster in my graveyard and on the field." It's ATK increases to 6000, making everyone become surprised. You add, "Now I'm getting Dark Element Witch to attack Archfiend Black Skull Dragon! Attack with Element Airstrike!" Your father's monster is destroyed and his LP goes down to 0. You add, "Dark Magician, end this duel! Dark Magic Attack!" Your parents, the crowd and Jaden become shocked. You say, "That's the end of that." You realized what had just happened, "Jaden! We won! I can stay at the academy!"

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