Chapter 5

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You pace back and forth in front of the ocean view. Jaden asks, "What's wrong?" You answer, "it's nothing, I'm just thinking about something." You hear someone say, "Hi Y/N, hey Jaden." You see Alexis standing with a boy in an Obelisk Blue uniform, he had similar features like Alexis and he was smiling at Jaden. He looks at you and says, "So you're the girl everyone keeps talking about." Alexis smacks his arm, "Atticus!" She adds, "I'm sorry about my brother." You smile, "Don't worry about it, I'm sure that he heard about me from Zane or something." Alexis continued, "That duel was really amazing. I didn't even think you and Jaden would work so well together." The boy said, "My name's Atticus, I'm Alexis' older brother." You respond, "Y/N L/N, pleased to meet you." You add, "I think there's some kind of strange pattern going on with those weird creatures." Atticus looked lost, "Wait. What creatures?" Alexis began to explain to him what had happened these past several weeks. He responds, "I have to agree with Y/N, this is kind of strange." You explain, "They appear once, in groups of maybe four or five and then they suddenly disappear after several hours. It's like its some kind of setup for something bigger and more dangerous."

You all suddenly hear the voice of Chancellor Sheppard, "All students please proceed to the main auditorium." You look at Alexis, who just shrugs. You all walk to the auditorium and see everyone else with the same confused look as you. Dark Magician Girl appears by your side, "I don't have a good feeling about this, Y/N.'' "You and me both. I don't like this at all, it's like there's a dark aura somewhere in the air. I feel like I can sense a human spirit too." "There's something about this announcement that's making me feel wary." Crystal Kuriboh (who was sitting on your shoulder) cooed in agreement. Chancellor Sheppard appeared before all of you and said, "Everyone, there has been some strange occurrences this past month or so and I am advising you all to take precaution. We do not know the source of these occurrences, and are currently investigating the cause. Furthermore, no students are to be wandering around campus during the night as it is already forbidden to do so. That is all, you may head back to your dorms."

You were back in your dorm with Jaden and saw that he had fallen asleep instantly. You whisper, "Thank you, Jaden." You look at your cards and think of the duels you had gone through. You then think of the events before the shadow demons had arrived and caused the current uproar was was happening. You suddenly feel a dark aura surrounding the Slifer dorm, realizing that the shadow demons had possessed another source of dark power. You quietly sneak out of your dorm, careful to not wake Jaden.

You run out and see the aura grow in size. You saw that there was also something heading towards the Ra Yellow and Obelisk Blue dorms. You were trying to figure out why this was happening so abruptly. You were trying to think of something that would draw the aura to one place. You see that the sky had turned from its regular azure shade to a bloody red one. You were in shock at the sight, your eyes were searching for a sliver of hope within the skies of darkness. You look around to realize that you were alone, heart filled with worry and fear. This isn't good. It's growing as everyone speaks and they're all clueless about it. "Y/N, I don't like that look on your face." "What look?" "That look you get when you have a not so smart idea." "I think it is though. That aura is growing while everyone is sleeping and it could engulf them at any given moment." "How do you propose that we warn them?" "No matter how we warn them, no one will believe us until they actually see it." "You're right but, how are we supposed to show them something that they can't see?" "I'll figure something out, Valkyria." "I hope so because I think that the other students are going to be engulfed sooner than we both thought. Look." "It's going towards the Ra Yellow dorms! I have to warn everyone that's there!" "Calm down, you're beginning to panic again." "How can I not? Syrus, Hassleberry and the other Ra Yellow students are going to turn into demon food!!" You realize something, "Wait! I forgot that I had my PDA with me!" "Now she remembers." "Oh hush!" You quickly call Syrus, but there was no answer. You tried Hassleberry instead, thankfully he picked up. He asks, "What's with the sudden phone call, sergeant?" You said, "Hassleberry, I'll explain later but right now you have to get all the Ra Yellow students to a safer place. There's something coming towards those dorms and it might be the end of them as we know it." He saluted to you, "Ten four!" I hope I'm not too late.

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