Chapter 11

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You said, "I know it sounds crazy but you have to trust me on this, guys." Zane and Atticus nod to each other. You add, "There's another thing I want to show you too. See this girl behind Lila, that's the shadow demon goddess, Noxaura." Before you could speak any more, you heard something ring. Zane said, "Sorry that's mine. I have to go help the other students with something. See you guys later." Atticus said, "Ok Y/N go on." You continue, "Anyways, Noxaura is someone who used to be very strong up until she got older. You see, when some demons become a bit older, their powers begin to weaken very fast, which make them more vulnerable to dying much faster. When Noxaura's followers saw that she was becoming weaker and weaker, they decided to prey on human souls for power." Atticus asks, "Why human souls?" You reply, "Human souls were said to contain a large amount of spiritual energy, if her followers had gotten enough of them, she would go back to being the powerful demon goddess she used to be. The night of the Blood Moon is a special night to them because it was the day she was born. She was given the nickname, Maiden of the Ichor Moon since she was a goddess of the night." Atticus had a shocked expression on his face when you finished speaking. "He looks more shocked than the time you told your parents about your abilities." Atticus said, "So if they successfully completed the resurrection, they would become a problem?" You nod, "Yes and it would be one that could spell the end of Duel Academy as we know it."

After telling Atticus about the demon goddess, he just kept walking back and forth, until he suddenly stopped. Atticus asks, "Are they weak to light?" You answer, "I wouldn't say they're weak but they aren't as strong. Why?" He shakes his head, "Just curious." "They don't have many weaknesses so it's going to be hard to defeat them in one go." "Do they even have any weaknesses?" "Unfortunately, they don't." "That's just great! We're doomed." "I'm sure there's another way." You both hear the library door open and see a silver haired boy looking at you strangely. He spoke, "Hey Atticus, who's the girl?" Before Atticus could answer, you hear another voice, "Hey Atticus. Hi sweetheart." You said, "Oh hi Jaden." You blush at his greeting and he looks at the silver haired boy before giving him his signature smile. Atticus spoke up, "What are you doing here, Aster?" The boy responds, "Just some research for a paper. Anyway, you didn't answer my question before." He asks, "Have we met before?" You shake your head, "No I don't think we have." Jaden said, "She's my roommate." You said, "Y/N L/N, pleasure to meet you." He responds, "Right. The name's Aster. Aster Phoenix." He looks at you and says, "You don't look like your a tough opponent." "That's just insulting." You said, "I'd love to duel but I'm doing my own research at the moment." You sit in front of the computer and keep typing. You mutter, "Let's see, where is it?" Aster asks, "What is she doing?" Jaden shrugs, "Beats me." Atticus replied, "She's trying to find something out." Jaden gives Aster a brief summary of what had been happening at the academy in the past several months.

You kept looking for answers, frustrated that you were at a dead end. "There has to be something about this that we can use to our own advantage." "I'm trying my best but I can't find anything." "Light is something that temporarily weakens them but they can still fight when under intense lighting." You type in the words, Noxaura birth. You see something that catches your attention and click on it first. "Noxaura was born during dark times, she was born on the night the first Blood Moon appeared. Growing up, the young female demon was the oldest and only female in her family. Her parents were killed in an unknown epidemic when she was only a toddler. As the Blood Moon nights became more and more frequent, Noxaura began to realize that this was the only time she could uncover her true power. The demons began to grow weaker with the lunar nights becoming longer, the night of the Blood Moon becoming faint. One millennia later, Noxaura was at her weakest, the last ounce of her demonic power fading as she aged. Many of her followers began to feed her human souls in order for her to turn back into the goddess she was once known as. Unfortunately, Noxaura died after the war with the spirits of light. Since then, her successors had been planning her resurrection for many millennia." You stop and Valkyria speaks, "This isn't good, if they've been planning this for more than one millennium, then we will be severely out matched power wise." "Not only that, but if we fight them when there's a Blood Moon, there's no chance of us defeating them so easily unless we have a backup plan or if something else were to come up." "Her only power source is the soul of a human." "That's even worse, Valkyria! The academy is full of students who might turn into demon food is we don't do something about this now! How are supposed to defeat them if we don't even know where they are?" "I hope we can find them soon, Y/N because if we don't, our existence will be forever forgotten. Not only that, the world will turn into a shadowy realm full of misery and unrest." "I just hope that no one else gets hurt because of all of this. It's bad enough that Blair and Crowler are gone, the last thing we all need to worry about is another missing student or teacher." "I think that there's more to all of this than just a myth."

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