Chapter 16

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A/N: This is going to be a short chapter. This is also going to be a cute one I might add! Jaden is just so damn cute! Then again, I do love Yusei and Yugi too.......I think I have a problem. Who's your fave spirit out of the ones mentioned here? Or who's your fave duel monster in general? Let me know in the comments below!



You watch as Jaden laid in the grass, his chocolate eyes hidden. It was a weekend and you were both exhausted from the events of the day before. You comment, "You look so relaxed." Jaden opens his eyes and pulls you down into the grass, making you squeal. You look into his eyes and flush in embarrassment. Jaden brushed your cheek with his hand and you felt your cheeks become darker at the gesture. Jaden then replied, "Now I'm relaxed, besides, we have the entire weekend to ourselves." You watch Jaden sit up from his spot, motioning you to come closer to him. You sit beside him and lay your head on his shoulder. You feel Jaden's arms envelop you, hugging you gently. Jaden said, "We rarely ever get spend some alone time with each other. Whenever we try, something always happens and we have to abandon the cause." You reply, "I know but sometimes when it comes to some things, you have to be the one to stop them from happening." Jaden goes silent for a second and then jokes, "You just had to go all smarty pants on me!" You stammer, "I-I just happened!" Jaden laughs at your reply and you pout at him. You snuggle closer to him and he hugs you tightly as you both watched the clouds in the sky.

You wonder aloud, "I wonder what the North Academy duel will be like. I mean you've duelled one of their students before, I can't picture what it would be like." Jaden answers, "Well, they're really good duellists and they're very strategic." You respond, "They're strategic? Like their strategies are super complicated or something?" Jaden nods, "Yeah apparently but I duelled Chazz and we both know what Chazz is like." "A huge jerk?" You both laugh at the reply. Valkyria and Crystal Kuriboh appear before the both of you. Jaden's Kuriboh suddenly appeared and Jaden shook his head, "Come on Kuriboh! At least let us have some time alone!" You begin to giggle at Jaden's argument with his partner. Valkyria laughs with you, "It seems like Crystal Kuriboh is infatuated with Jaden's Kuriboh. Just like how you are lovesick over Jaden." "How am I lovesick over him?" "You just are." Jaden's Kuriboh sat on his shoulder, as did your own Kuriboh. Jaden said, "I guess our Kuribohs don't want to be left out." "They just want to sit on your guys' shoulders as usual. Crystal Kuriboh had been whining all day yesterday because she couldn't sit on your head or on your shoulder." You both shake your head in disapproval and let your Kuribohs be.

You hear Jaden speak after several moments of silence, "Bastion and I were talking before and he randomly mentioned you." You became curious, "What did Bastion say?" Jaden answers, "He said that you're like a different person when you duel vs. how you usually are." You reply, "So he's saying that when I duel I act one way and when I act normally, I act another?" Jaden nods and adds, "He forgot one thing though." You tilt your head in confusion and ask, "What?" Jaden answers, "When you duel, you're still acting like usual, but you retain your shyness." You feel Jaden's arm disappear for a moment and hear him add, "Come on!" You were about to question him but he just dragged you somewhere else.

You found yourselves back at the Slifer dorm. You ask, "What are we doing back here?" Jaden answers, "Keeping ourselves occupied." You said, "I thought that we were already occupied, Jaden." Jaden wraps his arms around your waist and whispers in your ear, "That's before our spirits interrupted us." He abruptly presses his lips onto yours, making you a bit surprised at first before kissing him back. Jaden whispers to you, "I love you, Y/N." You blush as Jaden kisses you once more, making you feel breathless.

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