Chapter 1

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-Avi's POV-

'Guys, we're going to be late again... Please hurry up for once', I heard Esther saying, with a desperate tone in her voice.

'Don't worry, Girl. We still have 20 min left and our stuff is already inside the bus', calmed Mitch.

'Yeah, it's not like we have to be on time for our recording session'. That was Scott,  stowing away the last backpack.

Eshter rolled her eyes and sighed.  I watched them from a distance, not wanting to say something that might upset Esther. I knew my sister. She always wanted to be on time and that's why she got stressed 24/7, because she knew that with us she had to count at least an hour in addition so we could make it punctually to our destination. I stood up and walked past the others. I heard Kirstie saying something, but my mind was somewhere else. As soon as I was inside the bus I headed straight to my little cabin.

-Kirstie's POV-

That was strange. Avi seemed to be in his own little world when he entered the bus. He didn't seem to have heard my question. I simlpy asked if he was ready to record our new song, but he didn't answer. The stern look on his face made me shiver. He used to joke around alot although he was the responsible one.The others and I have already recognized his changed behaviour. I missed his little grin, when he knew that one of us was happy because of him. I missed his casual singing while he was looking through Twitter on his phone. But now...The only times I heard his beautiful voice, was on stage. Out there, he was himself. It seemed to me, that on stage weights were lifted from his shoulders. He was so happy, at least that's what I saw, but as soon as he got off the stage he changed immediatly. There was no cheering from his side. And this behaviour was eating me from inside. It hurt to see, that he wasn't alright. I tried to ask him as carefully as possible, but he never answered. There was always that distant look in his eyes and after a while everybody had noticed, that something was definitely wrong.

-Avi's POV-

Footsteps made clear that  the rest of the band was coming inside the bus.

'I something wrong with him?' I heard Kirstie's sweet voice whispering. 'He never ignores me..'

'Maybe he's just tired. The tour seems to stress him out and he's barely sleeping', comforted Scott Kirstie.

Kirstie seemed to relax a little after hearing Scott's opinion and went to the front to help unpacking food cans.

'If you only knew', I thought to myself. I turned around and unlocked my phone to see what time it was. 6 pm. 'Well, maybe I can  close my eyes and try to sleep for at least 20 min', and as soon as I said that I drifted off to sleep. 


'Ma'am we'll need some of your students to come with us. There's no need for dissaproval, like it or not. Our Defensive Unity needs new recruits and they will leave with us now' 

My class was quiet. Everybody was scared and we observed the commander, pacing through the rows, while he examined every single one of us. It had happened without a warning. The group of soldiers stormed inside the classroom in the middle of the lesson. Some girls started screaming, while others tried to calm them down. Then the commander stepped in. He was towering over us. With cold eyes he stared at my teacher and with his big hands he held up a gun. He looked at his subsidiaries and grinned before he started talking.

'You', he growled, pointing at me 'stand up and tell me your name'.

I stood up slowely.

'Avriel Benjamin Kaplan, Sir?', I said shivering and I was barely breathing.

The commander looked at me. Then he snipped his fingers and two soldiers positioned themselves beside of me.

'You're coming with us Mr. Kaplan. Any last words?'

I blinked.Last words? This has to be a sick joke. Last words were only made, when it was certain that a return was out of sight. Then it hit me. Was I going to leave forever? Where will they take me? And why wouldn't I be able to come back?  I looked around and saw the panic-strucked faces of my classmates. I started to breathe heavier and my head started to spin.

'I guess not', the commander turned around and the soldiers knocked me off.

The air was filled with screams as my body went numb.

Hey guys! This is the first time, that I wrote a serious story. Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment and I won't even mind a feedback from you, good or bad. I'll try to update every 3/4 days if possible. 

Thanks again :)

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