Chapter 10

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- Kevin's POV -
He sang. He really sang in front of thousands of people. It was a miracle regarding that he wouldn't talk on stage or to us privatly. He preferred to write down what he wanted us to know.

After we had recognized in which city we were and after we noticed that it would be a disaster to let him sing with his condition we tried to move our three concerts we had in California to the next city. Matter of fact: That was impossible and too complicated. The venue was ready for our concert and moving everything into another hall would take to much time.
I didn't know what Avi was thinking but he wrote on a piece of paper that he wanted to try. He wanted to sing because then he would forget his problems and the voices. We didn't understand what he meant by 'the voices' but we let it slide.

We stood on the stage and waited for Mitch to start his part of Daft Punk. Since I was last I took in the sounds and every single voice of them. Now it was Avi's turn and I was nervous.
But he sang. He sang with so much passion and his notes seemed to be lower than usual.
I looked over at him and saw that he had his eyes closed. Avi focused on every single note.
We had never sung Daft Punk that good live.
The show went on normally. The crowd was hyper and everyone enjoyed it. Scott introduced my celloboxing leaving out Avi's part and I noticed that everybody was wondering. Avi had told us before that he felt uncomfortable to sing alone in front of so many people, although he had done it so many times but regarding that he had sung with us every song we had performed so far it was a good thing. We ended the first show soon after and were released that nothing had happend.
We got through the first two shows and were ready to perfom the last one in California. We all prayed that nothing bad would occur and that we could get through this show as smoothly as we could.
After I packed my Beyoncé away Scott introduced our new song 'Standing by' in which Avi had the solo parts and that's when it happend.
We started with the background noises as usual and then it was Avi's turn. He sang the first two lines.
I've counted the stars tonight,
oh how they shine so bright..

And that's when his voice cracked and he stopped singing. We stopped as well and looked at him in concern. You could hear how heavy he was breathing and you could see that he tightened his grip around the mic.
People started to mumble and to wonder and Avi ran off the stage.

'Uhm we'll take a break... We'll be back soon.. Don't worry about Avi he'll be fine' said Scott although he was not sure about the last one.
I ran off backstage and started to look after Avi. I asked Esther but she told me that he ran pass her too quickly so she couldn't take a hold of him. I thought for a second and ran to the bathroom.
There he was. Crying his eyes out while his hair covered his face. He had opened his man bun and was sitting in the corner of the little bathroom. I sighed and looked at him sadly. I walked in and closed the door quietly. I sat down next to him and hugged him tight. 'Avi.. it's ok. We all have our breakdowns alright? You have done well you know? You were really good and it's totally fine if you're not comfortable anymore to sing alone although.. we are there Bro... You're not alone in fact we always have your back. We all do. We know that this is hard. And we're not mad at you alright?'
I ended my little speech and loosened my grip around him still holding him into an embrace. Avi looked up at me. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy. He looked so sad. Not only on the outside but also on the inside. I noticed that he wanted to tell me something and I took out my phone so he could type it down.
(Bold= Avi, Italics= Kevin)

I let you guys down. I really tried to sing that stupid song but I couldn't and why?! Because I'm stupid as well...

Avi don't you ever say that again.
You're on of the most intelligent and humble persons I've ever met. You're just under a lot of stress right now. Do you want to tell me what went through your mind when you stopped singing?

He read the text and frowned. I waited for his response. We sat there in silence and I waited patiently. I didn't want to rush him.
He picked up the phone and wrote.

I thought about the last time I was here in California. So much had happend and there's one thing I haven't told anyone, not even Esther or my parents.

He stopped to think and typed again.

Kevin I heard their voices everyday. They were screaming in my head asking 'Why have you killed us?!'
I was going insane.
It was not my fault!! I was influenced by the commander. I feared for my life and I became the baddest person on earth. I started to like it! I started to like death can you believe it?! And after I escaped from there... the voices became louder and louder.
Following me.
When I started to sing 'Standing by' on stage I remembered one thing I tried to do just one day before I met our group.. It sounded so appealing...

He passed me the phone and I was amazed by how quickly he could write so much.
I started to read and got more and more confused by every sentence I finished. I looked over at him when I was through.
His head hung low and I could see tears falling from his eyes and onto the ground.
I slowly typed in my question.

What have you tried to do?

The answer came quick.

I tried to commit suicide.

Well hello there!
what do you think so far?
Thanks sooo much for reading and commenting on this story.
As promised I will continue to write every Saturday/Sunday
BUT an end might be in sight because I already have an idea for the last Chapter.. weird huh?

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