Chapter 5

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-Mitch's POV-
'Guys I don't know about you but I want to understand one thing..what the hell is going on here?!' I muttered to Scott and Kevin. They shrugged and glanced at Avi and Kirstie. We laid them next to each other on the ground. We thought it would be better if they were together and we had a better possibility to watch over them.
'I don't know..' Scott whispered. He brushed a strand of hair out of Kirstie's face. Kevin stood up and walked to the closet to get some blankets.
'I wish they'd talk more to us' I stated. 'They will. I don't like seeing them like this. It's not healthy. They need our help.. We'll ask them when they wake up. ' Scott returned. I nodded and covered them with the blankets Kevin brought.
'Please be alright'

'Do it!!' The commander barked. My eyes grew wider and tears formed in my eyes. I held the bow in left hand and in my right I held the arrow in place. 'Why did it have to be me? What have I done wrong in life?' I was shaking. I couldn't do it. It would make a monster out of me. I didn't want to become one. That was my biggest fear. Becoming a monster and be left behind by everyone who loved me.
I slightly turned my head. Soldiers on both sides of the room. Cages and shakles above me and then.. blood.. so much blood on the floor.. the walls.. everywhere. This place was soaked with the red substance.
The Dark Room. That's what they called it. People were brought here when they were disobedient. When they disliked the commander. Whoever was thrown inside this room wouldn't leave it alive again. My gaze fell onto the woman. She was beautiful..and innocent to me. She cried silently as she stood before her soon-to-be-killer.. Me.
I gasped for air.
The commander approached me. He was only a few inches away from my ear. 'If you want to live you'll do it this instant. Don't make a mistake you'll regret afterwards. Think about your family what would they think if their precious little boy would never come home again, because he was a coward huh?'
He slowly moved back and held a gun to my head. 'Avriel I'll count to three and you WILL shoot that arrow!!'
I freezed. My head spinned and I feared that I might black out.


My grip on the arrow tightened. 'Come on Avi it's just a person. You don't even know her. She's nothing to you.' I heard a voice hissing. Where did that voice come from? I've never heard that voice before. Then it hit me. It was in my head. Yes.. the voice.. was in my head! 'Clever boy.. now concentrate on your task' I shook my head and shut my eyes.


'You know there's is no escape right? You can't run away. This is your new home but on the other hand.. if you shoot that arrow you'll become what you feared the most...'

'Three..! DO IT! '

I fired the arrow towards the woman. I shot her through the heart. Her eyes met mine as she sunk to the ground.
'...a monster'
The voice started shrieking. The commander burst into laughter and all the soldiers around me joined him. My mind exploded into million pieces.
What have I done?!
I started bawling and I sunk down on my knees. I was a monster...
'Oh and Avriel..' I looked up and faced the devil.
'That's only the beginning'


-Scott's POV -
'KEVIN help me!!' I jolted awake. Jesus Mitch had a loud voice. As my eyes got used to the light I noticed a lot of movement. Mitch was bending over Avi and tried to hold him down while Kevin sprinted from the front of the bus to the back. He held a wet cloth in his hands and attempted to put it on Avi's forehead. I sprang up from where I was sitting and positioned myself next to Avi's side. He was pale. Like really pale. You could've said he looked like a ghost.
He seemed like he had a seizure. I touched his arm and let it go immediately. He was ice cold. You could see shivers being send through his body. And then suddenly...he opened his eyes.

-Kevin's POV-
'Avi?' I tried to draw his attention to me but he was just staring at the ceiling. He didn't even blink. He looked frozen. I moved my hand closer to his but before I could touch it he let out a scream. I fell backwards in shock. His eyes closed slowly. Veins became visible on his throat and his hands grasped the blanket. It was horrifying.
Seconds.. minutes went by and
all at once his body went limp.

New update!
Guys I'll be busy for the next three days. I'll try to upload a new chapter tho. Hang on!

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