Chapter 14 - Part 2

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- Avi's POV -
I did not know what to expect.

Scott allowed us to visit John after Kirstie had assured him that she would stay with me the whole time.
I did not know where John lived.
Most certainly not in his old house. Right after I ran home a few years back I searched for him and all I could find was an abandoned house. John was gone.. his family dissappeared and I was devastated. The only friend I had in school and life was gone.
I was always a loner, not much of a social person, and I preferred staying at home a lot.
I hated socializing with people because they could be prejudiced and cruel towards people they did not even know really.
I learned that when I was bullied at school.
I was beaten, strangled and also burned. The last thing happend only one time, fortunately for me. Most of the time I was abused verbally but that was enough for me to run home and cut myself. Nobody knew about that, but one day Esther found out and I stopped for her.
I hated my life and there was not a single day I did not think about leaving this planet.
Then I met him.
He was a new student who moved from Minnesota to California and he was the most humble guy I had ever seen in my life. He always tried to talk to me and to get me out of my house and soon I let down my guard and followed him into the world.
We were best friends until the tragedy happend.
I learned who was kid-napped with me when I was tattooed back then, and when I heard his name my world broke.
How could someone do something like this to such a great guy? I knew for myself that I was worthless and not so useful in this world but he.. he was special. He always saw the good in people, not like me.

And when I heard a few hours ago that he was still alive I was more than happy. I was overjoyed.

'Are you alright baby?'
I looked over at Kirstie who seemed kind of concerned while she took my hand in her right and drove with her left.
I noticed that I had been quiet for almost the whole ride.
'Yeah I was just thinking'
She gave me a slight smile and I got lost in it. Gosh how I loved her.
We arrived at a little house not very far from my former one and we parked in front of a letter box.
John Howell was carefully written with black paint on the white surface of the box.
My heart started to beat faster and I began to feel a little dizzy.
'Avi?' Kirstie placed a hand around my hip for support and I smiled at her 'I'm fine darling'
We made our way to the door.
The house seemed nice and welcoming. 'Better than the house he lived in before' I thought to myself.
We stepped in front of the bell and waited. Kirstie looked up at me and I gazed down to her placing a soft kiss on her forehead.
'Ring the bell whenever you feel ready. I'm by your side and I know that everything will be alright' she assured me and hugged my waist.
I breathed slowly , trying to calm myself a little bit.
Then I rang the bell.

Part 2 is up!!
What do you expect for the next chapter?
I'm curious about your thoughts and maybe I'll write exactly what you had in mind (maybe I already have the next chapter written down somewhere..)
I put the song there because I love it and I kind of think that it suits Avi's thoughts pretty well.
Stay tuned! :)

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