Chapter 14 - Part 1

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- Scott's POV-
'Are you sure?'
It was the day after Avi has been brought here and we all sat around his bed, even Kevin who had calmed down after Genevieve took care of him.
Avi was asleep and we talked.
'Scott I'm sure or at least I hope that it'll help him to get better.
I can't stand it anymore. It's tearing him apart.'
'Yeah but what if everything goes wrong, have you thought about that too? What if the meeting triggers more and more until he gets the thoughts of doing you know what?'
I huffed. This was hard.
I really wanted Avi to get better and I appreciated that Kirstie was looking forward to help him but on the other hand it was difficult to say that at the end of the day everything will be fine again.
'Look. I'll stay by his side throughout the whole meeting. You can come with us too if you want to, but I really see a chance for him to get better. This is maybe the ONLY chance and I'm determined to take it'
I noticed Avi shifting and soon after he was awake.
'Hey buddy.How do you feel?'
'Uhm good? Just one question: What were you talking about?'
I looked over at Kirstie and when no one of us answered Mitch decided to talk.
'They were basically debating about your meeting with John. Whether it will help you or worsen your situation'
He ended and looked satisfied but left Avi with a blank expression on his face.
'Avi we just have different opinions.. nothing you have to worry about.' Kirstie said but was interrupted by Avi.
'I learned that John was alive yesterday and that I could see him and after all this time you're thinking about whether or not I should see the person who saved my life?!'
His eyes darkened and he grabbed the blanket.
'Avi let us explain..'
'No!' he groaned 'I want to see him! If you went through the same thing as I did you would understand!'
Kirstie took his hands and held them tight.
'We know baby, and we will let you see him.. right Scott?'
She looked over at me and I sighed.

Sry guys I know that this is really short but I promise that I will update the second part tomorrow or the day after.
Hang on!

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