Chapter 15

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-Avi's POV -
We waited and waited.
The time stood still and with every minute that passed I began to get more and more nervous.
Kirstie was rubbing my arm gently, trying to calm me down, but I was far too anxious.
What if he doesn't want to see me?
What if he's not opening the door on purpose?
What should I say?!
I glanced around in panic when Kirstie took my face in her hands.
'Avi calm down. Everything will be fine.'
I looked at her with big eyes. How can she be so sure about that?
And with that the door finally opened.

I turned around and saw him.
He hasn't changed at all. He still had that crooked smile and the same hair style he had a few years ago.
I was unable to move, unable to talk...when he decided to move forward and hug me.
I stood there not reacting at first but then I hugged back and started to cry.
'John! You-You're..a-alive! I c-can't believe it!
'I could say the same thing about you!Gosh I missed you!'
I hugged him as if my life depended on that one long hug, and to be honest it did.
John, my best friend who I thought I had lost, was here, with me, alive. He was back in my life, although I never stopped thinking about him.
It felt so good and I was never so happy to see someone again in all my life.
We loosened the embrace and he took my hand, leading me inside his house. Kirstie followed us, studying every single move we made. She could be too overprotective sometimes. But nothing would occur while I'm here with John..right?
We sat down on the couch and we started to talk.
(Italics = Avi, Bold= John)

Boy, tell me how are you?! You have not changed one bit!

You haven't either! Well you grew a beard obviously but besides that you're still the same dragon. I'm really good, now that you're here.

He waited a second and took my free hand, Kirstie was holding my right one.

I really missed you, Avi.

I let go of Kirstie and hugged him again, whispering in his ear.

I missed you too, John. I love you bro I really do and it broke my heart when I lost you.

I sat back. Tears glistened in my eyes and he lifted one hand to catch a single tear rolling down my cheek.

But I'm here now. You don't have to cry anymore. We can do this, now that we're together again.

I smiled and leaned against his hand.


- Kirstie's POV -
I left the boys so they could have a little privacy. I knew that Avi had nothing against me being there with them but I thought it might be better if Avi had the chance to open up fully.
John gave me the permission to walk around the house.
It was beautiful. I always wanted a house like he had. A big garden with fruit trees planted here and there, a fireplace in the living room which was decorated with several plants and flowers, a kitchen with a little bar next to it... I sighed while taking in all the different colours and scents of the different rooms. This house really seemed to be everything John worked for all his life and he was not even that old. He was the same age as Avi as I could recall.

John and I met some months after the incident. I was an assistant at the hospital he went to after he decided to not end his life and get help. We always talked when I had a break and time and after I ended my internship we remained friends.
We always texted and even skyped once in awhile, because I lived in Arlington,Texas and he in California.

I walked upstairs. He really had a lot of space although he lived alone. I found a room which was packed with instruments of any kind. I knew that he was musically gifted but I never knew that he could master so many instruments.
I moved on and stopped in front of what seemed to be his room.
'Should I enter?' I was not really sure if John was okay with that but he didn't say anything about me not being allowed to go into his room, so I opened the door a little bit more and stepped inside.
The warm sunlight filled the room and embraced every single spot in it. To my left was a huge bed covered with thousands of blankets and pillows and on the right was an even bigger closet overpacked with clothes. Mitch would kill to have so much space for his clothes.
In front of me was a book shelf.
I looked at the covers. Most of them were Thrillers or Fantasy Books but now and then I found also romantic ones.
I leafed through some books when my eyes fell onto a cover. I took the book out and turned it over so I could read what the cover said exactly.

Me and my dragon.

It was a photo album of Avi and John.

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