Chapter 3

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-Mitch's POV -
I kneeled down and took Kirstie in my arms. She was sobbing uncontrollably on my chest and I rubbed her back. I looked at Scott and Kevin. Their heads were hanging low and I knew that it was killing them to see that two out of five members of our group were broken. I sighed and held Kirstie even tighter, slowly standing up. I walked with her to the back lounge and I sat her down, kneeling in front of her. I lifted up her chin and saw the sadness and pain in her eyes. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she let out a small sob before she threw arms around me.
'What happened? ' I asked her quietly. I gave her time to answer. This was probably the hardest question I could've ever asked. I heard Kevin and Scott come closer, taking a seat on each side of Kirstie giving her the feeling that she was not alone. Kirstie slowly backed away and I held her hands in mine. Scott rubbed her back and Kevin and I looked at each other with thoughts running around in our minds. Then she spoke, breaking the silence.
'I think I am the reason Avi wants to kill himself'

- Scott's POV -
I was shocked. Everyone was. 'Kirstie what do you mean?' I asked softly but I was going crazy inside. How could that be possible? Avi has never shown any signs of being suicidal or such horrid things. Why would he anyways? I thought he was happy being here with us. I felt Kirstie moving and I looked at her. Her eyes broke my heart. She was so so sad. 'He changed' she whispered, afraid she could say something wrong 'he ignores me and.. and I think it's because he.. he let me in..' She started sobbing again and took her hands in mine. 'He.. told me about his past.. and then he changed'. Kirstie threw her hands around my neck and started crying. I exchanged looks with Mitch and Kevin. Kevin shook his head and mentioned without saying anything that he wanted to check on Avi. I nodded slightly and watched him standing up making his way to the bunks. Mitch sighed and played with his hands. He always did that when he was nervous. I closed my eyes and tried to think about the things Kirstie had told us but my thoughts were interrupted when Kevin came back stumbling over his own feet.
'Guys?!' We looked over at him but Kirstie didn't move. I waited for him to say what was on his mind 'What is it Kevin' Mitch said inpatiently. Kevin looked at him, terrified. What happend?

'Avi... he's gone'

- Mitch's POV -
'Wait..wait what the hell do you mean he's gone?!' I nearly screamed causing Kirstie to shutter in Scotts arms. I looked over kind of apologizing for being so loud. But hey I was stressed. 'I don't know where he is I just went back to check on him and he wasn't in his bunk. Esther has no clue where he could be either.' Kevin sighed.
I scratched my head, putting my hair in place again. I stood up. 'Scott go with Kevin. I'll stay here with Kirst. Please find him and call me if you have.' I hope he hasn't done anything stupid.

-Avi's POV -
I couldn't handle it. I heard their voices although they were at the back of the bus. I heard Kirstie cry and that was something I never wanted to hear. Her crying caused me so much pain. And it was my fault after all. It was me who told her about my past. It was me who shoved her away. But I did it because I loved her and it was the right thing to do. I would never want her to be hurt. She should never be around a person who had such a terrible life. It was a burden even I couldn't bare. Living with it by myself was hard enough. I left my bunk. I didn't want to hear them anymore. They should never overthink what I've done. I was capable of so much more. I wanted to leave. Just leave. Even only for a night. Just to clear my thoughts. Then I'd come back and tell them why I behaved that way.
I stumbled out of the bus never looking back and I heard Kevin's voice as he noticed that I've dissappeared.
Oh Kevin good luck finding me.
And Kirstie?
I'm sorry.

So this Chapter has new POV's. What do you think so far?
Thx to all of you who read this story!!
I added my song obsession for this week. I just love it and I thought you might want to hear it too. It's called Call me by Shinedown and it's suits the story somehow (the one here is not the original tho.. couldn't find it)

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