Chapter 13

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- Avi's POV -
She stayed for the night.
Her arms thrown around my neck, her body laying on top of mine and her head resting on my shoulder.
It had been quite a while when we last laid together, close to one another. I really missed her warmth. I held her tight so she wouldn't fall of my bed.
I pushed away some strings of her hair so I could see her beautiful face.
'Gosh she's an angel.
How could someone like me be so blessed with such a goddess?'
I might sound stupid but that was what I thought about her.
She really was an amazing person. I couldn't think of somebody with a heart so pure and golden as hers.
She always knew what to say and she knew how to act when someone needed her help. She always put everyone before herself and she made sacrifices which could also put her life in great risk.
She always wanted to see people being happy.
And then.. there was me.
I was a selfish kind of man. Shutting people out when they needed my help or when they wanted to help me.
I never wanted to bother anyone with my problems.
'How can she love someone like me?' I sighed and looked at her face again. I could see how relaxed she was.
I closed my eyes and thought again.
'Polar opposites attract each other.. is that the reason why I was blessed with her and she was stuck with me?'
I noticed that she was shifting and soon her eyes opened.
'Did I wake you?' I asked softly.
'No but you're thinking to much. I can almost hear your thoughts.'
I caressed her back and sighed.
I wanted to ask her something.
'Why do you love me Kirst?'
She rose and sat on top of me taking my hands in hers.
'Hmm because you're a beautiful bearded dragon' She giggled but I was really not in the mood for a laugh.
'Kirstie I'm serious'
She closed her eyes and layed back onto her favorite spot- my chest. She once said she loved to hear my heartbeat.
'Because you are beautiful inside and out. You are the rock I'm holding on to and you are the one I want to spent my life with.' She paused for a second.
'I never told you that but.. I always thought about us getting married one day..'
She got quiet and looked up into my eyes. I could see so much love in them but there was something else hidden in them.
Was it pain?

'I know we're still young but it's what I thought for the future you know? And when you said that you wanted to die I thought that you didn't love life anymore. Or me.. I know it sounds selfish but..'
I kissed her.
I couldn't bear hearing about me not loving her anymore.
I wanted to marry her too but I couldn't live with the thought that she would marry a killer.
It would make living harder for both of us.
I slowly backed away, breaking the kiss.
'Kirst... I love you and I would be the happiest man on earth if you could be mine forever but.. we can't...'
She took my face in her hands and forced me to look at her.
Tears started to form in her eyes.
'Avi don't say that. There's no reason for us not to get married'
'Kirst.. there is one.'
'If you say that the problem is your past I will slap you'
I chuckled slightly. She definately got the sass from Mitch.
Then my thoughts concentrated on her again.
'I can't live with these voices haunting me 24/7. It's hard to not listen to them.'
'What voices Avi?'
'It's hard to explain... but when I started.. killing.. voices started to appear in my head and they ordered me to do things I didn't want to do..'
I lowered my head and I could fell the tears starting to built up.
'Avi? '
Her voice seemed to be so far away. I wanted to get better for her. I really wanted to..
I lifted my head only to see her caring eyes.
'I want to help you. Don't shut me out again. Please that's all I'm asking. Please let me help you.'

I couldn't move.
The last time she wanted to help me everything went wrong.
I didn't want to loose her again.

'I know it will be hard but I think we should get you out of here and out of California and to a friend of mine. He might know how to help you because...he had the same past as you.'
I furrowed my eyebrows and asked carefully.
'What's his name? '

'John Howell'
My eyes widened.
'He survived?!'
'Yes he did. He was actually the one setting the fire that night. He said that I shouldn't tell anyone about him being alive but he mastered his past and I want you to feel better so..'

I hugged her as tight as I could.

John was alive.
The only person who helped me escape that prison was alive.
We went to the same class and were best friends before we were torn apart from the commander.
I never saw him again thinking that he got killed by them or the fire. But it was him who rescued me that day.
Without him I wouldn't be alive and I wouldn't have found my angel Kirst.
'Darling?' She loosened our hug and caressed my cheek with her hand.
'Can you promise me that you will take his help and go to a therapy? I will be by your side if you want me to'
She waited patiently for my response.
Many thoughts raced around in my mind.
John was alive.
He survived.
He got away from the voices
Kirstie would help me.

I won't leave you alone.
I will take your help and help you as well in whatever situation we will be in and I will love you till the end of time.
That was a vow I gave her after we got together.
I looked at her and smiled.

'I promise'

Did I scare you at the end of the last Chapter?
If so I'm sorry.
Well as you can see I decided to take another path.
What do you think about it?
See yaa ;)

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