Chapter 16

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- Kirstie's POV -
The book was beautiful.
It was filled with photos and memories of the happier days the both of them had together. As I could see many parties went down and they seemed to celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah together. They often went camping and swimming and they traveled a lot as well. I felt warm while I leafed through the photo album. Avi was so happy back then, why did that happen to him? And John?
They were both humble and sweet guys I could barely imagine why God thought that punishing them would be a good idea. I'm not even that religious.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a scream emerging from downstairs. I quickly placed the book inside the shelf again and sprinted down.
'John what happened?!' I rushed over to him. He was holding Avi in his arms, rocking him back and forth while Avi was crying.
His eyes were red and puffy and his stare was intense. It was terrifying.
'I don't know! This never happened to me! We were just talking when he froze!'
John started to cry and tightened his grip around Avi.
The both looked so little and broken.
No this is not happening now.
I rose and ran to his bedroom, grabbing as many blankets as I could and placed them around the boys. Then I rushed to make them some tea. When I came back I could hear Avi say something to John. I walked closer and all I could understand was:
I can't do this anymore.

What happened?

*A few moments before*

- John's POV -
We talked the whole time.
Avi really got his life together and I was happy. He told me about his a cappella group Pentatonix and how successful they were. He told me about my good friend Kirstie who was now his girlfriend and about how happy and lucky he was to have her. She was an angel for him and I could not mentally thank her more. Kirstie really changed him, for good.
But I knew that he was not telling me everything. He was hiding something from me but I couldn't sense what it was.
Did he have problems?
I mean I had some a while back but they went away and I was pretty much the old me. But I didn't know about Avi. Did he overcome his past? Or was he still fighting against it?

We talked about my family, which left after they found out that I was gone but I found them soon after. Then it was silent.I knew that he wanted to talk about what happend when we were separated. I started and I told him every single thing I could remember. I also showed him my new tattoo I got, because I refused to look at the one the commander gave me back then. I covered the old one and I was quite pleased with myself. When I lifted my eyes back to him he was sitting there, not moving, not blinking, not breathing.
I started to panic.
This never happened to me!
I scooted over to him and placed an arm around his waist. He did not react. I whispered his name over and over again. Nothing.
I looked around thinking.
'Kirstie might know what to do'  Avi's body started to shiver and soon after I realized that I had said that out loud. Avi seemed to had heard me because he jumped up screaming.

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