Chapter 12

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I ran through the city, passing sidewalks and bumping into people. I had to get away.
My legs started to burn and my lungs screamed for air.
No Esther I can't... I-I can't.
Please let me go.
I ran faster and faster, leaving a great distance between me and my family. They shouldn't live with someone like me. How could they live with a murderer?
People would shut them out from society someday. Maybe THEY would get killed because of me.
Tears started to fall but I kept running. Soon I passed the street sign, indicating that I was leaving California. I slowed down and paced around, breathing heavily.
I ripped the beanie from my head and ran my fingers through my hair.
I can't do this anymore.
I stopped pacing and looked to the bridge .
I just can't.
I started to slowly walk to the bridge.
Without thinking I stood on the ceiling.
You can end this now Avi.
Just jump. It won't hurt I promise.
You will be free in no second.
I closed my eyes and breathed for the last time.

- Kirstie's POV -
I panicked.
The brain monitor went nuts right after the heart monitor started to loose it.
Avi's body was shivering and he shut his eyes even tighter.
Oh Avi what's happening to you?

- Mitch's POV -
We were kicked out of the room.
They wanted to understand what was happening.
Soon after one of the nurses came out.
'We don't know what exactly caused all of that but the parts of his brain which indicate pain and fear were extremely active.'
Then she talked about some other stuff but I didn't pay attention. Instead I was looking at Kirstie. She sat down with her back against the wall and rocked herself back and forth.
I left the group and walked over to Kirstie. Without a word I took her in my arms and she held on tight.
'Kirstie everything will be okay'
I mumbled. I tried to say it as convincing as possible but I wasn't sure if Avi would ever be okay after that.
'M-Mitch it was my fault.. again!'
She buried her face in my shoulder and sobbed.
'No Kirstie it was not...'
'Mitch his heart sped up after we sang to him and guess who started it? I did! It is my fault! Everything is my fault for God's sake! He would be a lot happier without me! Gosh I hate myself!'
She released the tears she held back for so long.
Scott and Esther came over and we sat on the ground crying, together.


- Avi's POV -
I was dreaming.
My attempt to jump of the bridge was a dream! I slowly opened my eyes and squinted them soon after because of the bright light. I recognized that I was surrounded by doctors. I closed my eyes again and tried to block out their medical talk.

I thought about the dream again.
I was standing on top of the bridge and I was ready to jump and then.. there was an angelic voice singing to me.

I never hit the water. I was surrounded by sweet voices.
I think they kind of held me back.

But suddenly I found myself in a dark room. The voices were still singing but not as clear as before.Then I heard something from above. There was a pipe and i saw something shooting out of it.Blood fell onto me and the room started to fill up with blood. I started to drown while the thick substance entered my body.
Their voices started to fade..
I'll run to you..

- Scott's's POV -
The doctors never told us what had happened, so Esther and I entered the room secretly to talk to Avi.
'Basscanon?' I whispered not sure if he was asleep or not.
I heard a light moan and knew that he was awake.
'Avi we can't do this anymore you have to tell us what happend. Please...'
'Kirst?..' Avi's voice was broken.
'She's outside with Mitch.. she won't stop crying because...'
Avi sat up slightly.
'.. because she thinks that you would be better if she died.'
'NO' Avi growled demanding us to leave and to let Kirstie in. He wanted to talk to her,and only her.
So we let him.
We made sure to stay in front of the door just in case Kirstie needed us.

- Kirstie's POV -
I didn't know why he wanted to talk. I knew he wanted to die which meant that he had nothing to live for. Not even love, so he was basically telling me that he didn't love me anymore. That was a hard thing to accept.
I never loved someone the way I loved Avi. He made me feel so much. I knew he was the one I wanted to spent the rest of my life with from the day we met.
He was the only one who understood me. He was my soulmate and soulmates stuck together.. forever. So I made a decision for myself.
If he wanted to leave this world, I would go with him.

I entered the room, terrified.
I didn't know what to expect.
The last time we were in a hospital he started yelling at Scott.
I walked over to his bed and sat down on the chair next to him.
'Hey..' He whispered.
'Hi..' My throat hurt from all that crying.
'Kirst... you know that I love you right?' His eyes searched mine but I was looking at my hands.
'Are you sure about that?' I mumbled quietly.
He tensed up slightly taking my hands in his. They were cold.
'Darling. You are the only one who's keeping me alive right now. Yes it's true. I don't want to live anymore because everything is falling apart. But I'm still here because I love you. I don't want to see you crying because of how stupid I am.' He paused and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.
I missed that.
'Kirstie before I go I want to be sure that you find someone who makes you happy, who can give you what you need. I want to see you happy before I go..'
I fell onto him and held him as tight as I could.
'Noo Avi.. I don't want to live without you...I can't.. Please don't go please..I know what I want. It's you and only you please...' I cried again.
He caressed my back and kissed the top of my head repeatedly.
'Baby I know but...' Now he was crying too.
'Then I don't want to live either. I will never leave you!!'
She let out another sob and buried her face into my neck.
He cries filled the air and after a while they started to get quieter. She began to fall asleep in my arms and I let her.

Maybe this would be the last time I would hold her in my arms.

That's sad..
Thank ya'll for reading.
So.. I decided that this story will have a certain number of chapters. How many you ask? Well you'll see but it's something between 15 and 25.

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