Chapter 7

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- Kirstie's POV -
'Avi!' I squealed while I hugged him tightly. Tears of joy fell from my eyes and the air was filled with my giggling and sobbing.
I noticed that he was not hugging me back.. so I slowly loosened my grip but then he pulled me towards him. I was shocked at first but then I relaxed and let happiness wash over me.He was awake! He felt so good. Avi's warmth was one of the things I missed a lot.
'Kirst.. I'm sorry' He mumbled next to my ear. I sat back but held his hands in mine. I sighed.
'Avi I..'
'No let me talk...please' he interrupted me. I stared into his eyes. Gosh they were beautiful.
'Kirstie. First of all I want you to know that.. all of this.. is not your fault.. it is mine..' I opened my mouth to protest but he raised his hand. 'Let me finish please...' I lowered my head and closed my eyes. 'I want you to know that it was my choice to tell you something about my past and.. it was my choice as well to.. keep a distance towards you..and the others.. It was not that I necessarily wanted to.. but there was no other way i could protect you.'
I furrowed my eyebrows. I didn't understand. 'Protect us? From what? ' I asked calmly.
Avi took a deep breath.
The room started to get colder.
I felt the tiny hair on my arms standing up.
It was silent for a while, when he finally decided to speak.


- Mitch's POV -
We have been waiting outside Avi's room for about 2 hours now. And let me tell you: when mommy is annoyed you don't want to mess with her. Scott and Kevin were talking about a new song we started to write while we waited. We needed something to distract us with.
I heard the door opening and I looked over. Kirstie peeked around the corner.
'Uhm guys..' I noticed how nervous she was because of her voice and the way she was playing with her hair.
'Avi wants to talk to us..all of us..'
I wanted to ask her something when she turned around and walked in his room.
'It can't get any worse, so why being nervous?' I thought to myself.
We entered and formed a circle around Avi's bed. He was still pale and he looked like he was freezing although I thought it was pretty warm.
'Hey Avi.' Kevin smiled to him and Avi returned it with a nod.
'We have to talk..' the seriousness in his deep voice caused my body to slightly shiver. I glanced over to Scott and he put his arm around my waist. I immediately started to relax.
'Guys, I've already told Kirstie that you mean a lot to me.. and I know that I don't talk so much about myself...and that I've pushed you all away..' he paused for a second and looked around to make eye contact with every single one of us 'but I had no choice... and you might want to know what had caused all of this trouble...'
'Avi, we know what it was.. you told us once. It is your past.' Scott stated 'But you've never told us what your past was and why it came back after 4 or even 5 years of peace.'
Avi closed his eyes and as he opened them again they seemed to be darker than before.
'I won't tell you.. because I can't..' he groaned.
'Then why did you want to talk to us?! We are worried because of you and now that you have a chance to talk to us you won't talk!?' Kevin placed a hand on Scott's shoulder but he shrugged it away. Kirstie gasped at Scott sudden reaction.The energy in this room was unbelievably high.
'Do you have an idea how many times I had to wipe away Kirstie's tears because she thought it was her fault?! Do you know how many times we had to excuse you after the meet and greets because you were so cold and absent towards our fans?! We are all worried about you because you're a part of our family, Avriel!'
Avi tensed up when he heard his full name and stared at Scott. His eyes were full of rage.
Oh boy..

'AND BECAUSE YOU'RE MY FAMILY I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET KILLED!!' His scream filled the air and silenced us all. We did not even dare to breath.

We stood there in shock and I watched as Kirstie lifted her hands to cover her face. She cried and cried and eventually Avi's eyes lost their hardness.
'Kirst.. I didn't mean to scream at you... please stop crying' But there was no way she could stop. I walked to her and hugged her tightly. Then I turned my attention to Avi. I started to talk in a soft tone' We are a family. And being a family means never turning their back to a member. If this is about us being.. killed somehow.. we have to know why. Avi... do you know what kills us everday?'
I paused and waited for him to shake his head, then I proceeded 'Seeing you breaking yourself day by day. Seeing that you're bottling everything up inside.
We can help you or at least.. we can try. It can't get worse than this. Because as long as you're not okay.. we won't be either.' I glanced over to Scott who nodded and he added 'We love you Avi. We all please... tell us what happend'
Avi blinked multiple times when he recognized how much pain he had caused us over the past months. It seemed like he was really thinking about telling us.
He opened his mouth.
My shoulders sank and my head hung low..
'I can't risk your life.. I.. I can't loose you the way so many lost their beloved ones because...of me.'
He had whispered the last part but we all heard it.
I made eye contact with Kevin and Scott but they were just staring at Avi, shocked.
I felt his eyes on me and when I turned to him they were filled with tears and he mumbled.

'I have... killed them all..'

Prepare yourself the next chapter is going to be.. how can I put this.. oh yeah.. bad :D
Hope you liked this one!
I think this is the longest chapter so far.

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