Chapter 2

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A distant scream echoed through the halls and into my head. I tried to open my eyes only to be caught by the sensation that I've been locked away in a dark room. I blinked and tried to think. 'what happened' a cold breeze caused my body to unwilingly shiver. Then I heard them. Footsteps where approaching leaving marks in my head. the door opened and I spinned around to look at it. there he was. the commander, standing over me as if he was the one to define whether I should live or die. I glanced at him while hoping that he'd let me go. I was a fool to think that. 'Get him and bring him to the next room.' He stated growling to the soldiers standing behind him. I had no time to overthink what he had just said when the soldiers came to free me from the shakles and throw me towards the door. I let out a gasp as I was picked up and dragged to the so-called next room. 'Let go of me!' I screamed in my head. Even if I tried to fight them, they could easily break me down. I was blindfolded so I couldn't see what was expecting me and I wished that they left my eyes closed. I heard them opening the next door. My blindfold was ripped off and while my eyes tried to get used to the light I forced myself not to cry. all I could see were blades,knives, chains hanging on walls and cages... filled with bones and dripping of blood.
-Kirstie's POV-
I was sleeping peacefully in my upper bank. it was quite a while ago when I last slept so well and long. The tour was really stressing us out and the lack of sleep wasn't really helping. I was slowly waking up regarding that I wanted to shower before the boys could complain that I 'owned the bathroom for hours' which wasn't true. I only took 40 minutes to get ready but oh well. boys will be boys. I rubbed my eyes sighing and satisfied that I had slept through. I climbed down the latter gathering my stuff that I needed for the shower. I started walking to the bathroom when I stopped dead in my tracks. A scream rattled through the bus and the room seemed to spin. I turned around, threw my stuff in a corner and ran to the bunk from which I heard the scream emerge. Avi's.
I opened the curtain and I was taken away by what I saw. Avi laid there holding on for his dear life, panting as if he tried not to suffocated. Shivers where roaming through his body as he gasped for air. My eyes filled with tears as I kneeled down. I heard the others waking up to see what happend as another scream silenced the bus. I looked at Avi who was now awake staring at nothing in particular. his clothes were completely soaked by his own sweat and he was still shivering trying not to loose it. by the time he realized that he has awaken from his nightmare the whole band was gathered in front of his bunk. he looked at us, let out a whimper and turned to face the window.

-Avi's POV-
Reliving my past in my dreams was one of those things I hated the most. I haven't had those dreams for about five years. they stopped when i joined the band and when I left my hometown. it seemed to me that my past would haunt me if I stayed there. so I chose to leave and to start from the beggining. When I saw my bandmates standing in front of my bunk I knew what had happend. I had a nightmare and apparently I woke everyone up. I looked at each one of them. they were tired but also worried about me. then my gaze fell onto Kirstie. Tears glistened in her eyes and her lips were slightly trembling. I wanted to hug her so badly. I wanted to tell her that I was ok and that it won't happen again. that it had nothing to do with her and that she shouldn't cry over me having a nightmare. but I couldn't. I couldn't tell her that those were all lies and Kirstie knew it as well. I will never be ok again and i knew that once the nightmare start they won't go away. Kirstie knew a little about my past, but not everything and I feared that she would think that it was her fault causing this nightmare and my behavior in the past few weeks. but it wasn't her fault. I should have overthought my next movement. I turned to the window not saying a word and I heard Kirstie breaking down.

Hey guys. so here's another part of the story and I want to apologize for any typos or formal mistakes. you can point them out if you want to. I won't mind in fact it will help me realize the mistakes to not make them again. so don't forget to comment and so on. see ya! :)

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