Chapter 18

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- John's POV -
We were still sitting on the floor. Kirstie cuddled up with Avi after he told her everything she should know.
I was in front of them but only physically because my mind was somewhere else. I thought about everything Avi had told us. And slowly I got an image of the puzzle. I understood why Avi was doing so well while she was by his side. 'Avi?' I caught his attention. His gazed wandered from Kirstie to me. 'I know the answer.' 'What do you mean?' He seamed confused. 'I know why you're having these flashbacks and nightmares...' Avi straightened his back and leaned forward, eager to hear more.
'I..I think it's Kirstie.' Her eyes grew wide. 'No no no! Not like that I mean wow let me explain before you freak out and throw me out of my own house'
They realxed a little. Avi gestured for me to go on with what I wanted to say.
'Uhm well.. you said you wanted to you know.. committ suicide and stuff and that you only stayed alive because something, or should I rather say someone, was keeping you here on earth. You thought that your life was worthless because everything was falling apart but then you met her and you got your life together. Then when you were at the hospital and you feared to leave her you woke up next to her the morning after. Avi what I'm trying to say is that I believe that your Kirstie here is an angel. An angel sent to keep you alive. She's the one who keeps you going. She's the one who makes your nightmares go away and I think that the reason why you shut her out once was because you knew how much damage you could cause with your words.. but she stayed. She felt your pain physically and emotionally.
I think your nightmares can't be cured I'm sorry. But I believe that they resurfaced to test you. To test the bond between you and the love you have for each other. It made you stronger as a couple and I can see that. Even if you don't feel so I can see you glowing with joy,because you know that you have someone by your side. Someone who could never leave you no matter what.
So the only advice that I can give you is to talk to her about your nightmares. It doesn't matter how cruel and brutal they are. I know that Kirstie won't leave, but help you to process them.
Oh and one more thing: Keep her around as long as you can. Don't let go off her because she's an amazing girl' I ended my speech and smiled to Kirstie, she nooded her head slightly and mouthed a Thank you before Avi whispered
'John I.. ' That's all he managed before he hugged me.
I didn't know how long the embrace lasted but it felt good.

* Three months later*

- Avi's POV -
John was right. I couldn't thank him more.
Since we met him three months ago my nightmares became softer and later non-existing.
I didn't know how that could be possible but I did what he told me. I opened up and talked about them.Mostly to Kirstie but sometimes I'd search the guys for help. Everyone was so supportive I never realized that.
Everytime a new nightmare would snail its way into my peaceful sleep it lasted shorter than the one before. And then there was also what I saw in my dreams. A second before I would wake up I would see Kirstie standing at the end of the hallway smiling. She was the only light in the darkness of my mind. A light in the hallway of my nightmares, my only escape.
After weeks of normal sleep, without me screaming and panting because I thought I would have killed someone, the voices in my head left too.
I listened to what Kirstie said.
She didn't leave out any detail she loved about me and that made me feel better. I never thought I would love myself ever. But Kirstie managed it and I couldn't be happier.
I stopped cutting and shutting people out. I seemed to be a new person and everyone noticed it.
My friends, my family, the fans.
Life couldn't be better until one day...

'Kirstie can we talk?' I tapped her shoulder and waited for her to respond. 'Sure darling what's wrong?' 'I want to talk to you.. alone if you don't mind' Of course she wouldn't. She followed me to the car and we drove for at least an hour. The sun was slowly going down and I stopped the car on top of a hill so we could see the last sparks of the sunset.Kirstie waited the whole ride for me to talk. After all I wanted to talk to her not the other way around. When I turned off the engine of my car I took off my seatbelt and turned to her. 'Let's get out of the car.'
We sat under a tree, staring at the sunset. It was a beautiful sight. My hands found hers and I played with her fingers. Kirstie looked down and giggled.
'What?' I asked with a smile.
'You're nervous. Tell me.. why are we here? Did you have another nightmare? Are the voices back?' She had a concerned look on her face and I caressed her cheek.
'No don't worry I'm fine. Really. I couldn't be happier to be honest. I just wanted to.. you know talk and.. uhm ask you something...' We stood up and walked around a bit till we were standing in front of a beautiful lake. The water was icy blue and sprakling, truly amazing.
I turned around to face her and once again I took her hands in mine. Well here goes nothing.
'Avi' She mimicked me. That little mouse.
'Can you try and not interrupt me darling? I'm not angry it's just a huge topic for me and I want to get it all off my chest.'
She nodded and smiled at me. Gosh how I loved that smile.
'So... You're probably wondering why I took you here to talk. Well it's calm and beautiful, just like you. I wanted to thank you for everything you've done. Not only for me but also for everyone around me. You my dear are the only reason why everything is going so well right now. Can you imagine what had happened if I never met you? Or if you never helped me? I can only repeat John's words: You're an angel.
I believe in his words because I have seen the wonders you can do with my own eyes. I'm still sorry that I pushed you away and I'm still sorry for the times I turned around and left although I could've talked to you. I'm really sorry about the times I made you cry because I felt worthless and you felt like I didn't love you anymore. But I can assure you. Everytime I hated myself more I developed strongers feelings for you. We were like magnets. I knew that you wanted me to be happy and you were determined to changed me. And darling you did it. You won. You changed me for good and I love you for that. I love you for so many things. The way your smile makes me warm inside. The way you talk makes me feel save. The way you talk about your own problems makes me feel needed. I want to be there for you, forever. I want to help you whenever you need my help just like you helped me with my problems. I want to give you all my love, all my thoughts, all my support. I want to be happy with you by my side. The past four years with you were the best. I can't imagine my life without you. You're everything I could've wished for. So..'
She started to cry as I got down on one knee holding up a black little box with a ring in it.
'Would you Kirstie Maldonado agree to be mine till death do us part?'
My fears exploded into million pieces as she nodded and I slipped the ring onto her finger.
'Yes.. A-avi! Yes I love you!'
She said between sobs and I held her tight.
'I love you too darling and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my savior.'

The end

Guys I hope you enjoyed this story. If so leave a comment and vote for it.
Thanks to all of you for reading and sharing your thoughts.
I will continue with my other story Secret Identities.
I also have a story in my draft which will be about Mavi. See ya soon!! :**

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