Chapter 6

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- Avi's POV -
I heard them. Voices tried to get through me. They were whispering to me.. sad.. worried. I wanted to open my eyes but I couldn't. I wasn't strong enough. Every movement was painful. Every breath I took hurt.
Where was I? It felt the cold air and soon I was freezing. My body started to shake involuntarily.
The voices stopped talking and instead a lot of movement was going on. I felt a light touch on my arm and another where my heart was. I heard something beeping really loud. The sound was steady, harmonizing with my heartbeat. Then a voice came through : 'Mr. Kaplan can you hear me?'
What a question. Of course I could I wasn't dead after all..
'Sir, can you hear me?'
I wanted to answer. I wanted to say that I was ok and that he could stop asking , but I remained silent. There was no way I could answer. It was as if my mouth was covered with tape.
Then the touch disappeared and the room was quiet. Nothing moved, nobody breathed, only the machine kept going.
I slowly became worried.
'Oh gosh...That's a heart monitor.. Am I in a hospital?! What happend?.. I haven't.. No it couldn't be..I have not k-killed anybody...have I? I have not injured myself by ending someone's life,right?!'
The beeping noises fastened with every question I asked myself and when I was about to loose it my body relaxed. A little stitch on my right arm and everything went back to normal.
'Breath Avi, breath' I calmed myself. Thank God it worked.
I heard muffeld cries coming from outside.
A female voice was arguing with a male one. I concentrated on what they were saying.
'I don't care what you think it's best I AM going to see him!'
And then the door opened.

- Kirstie's POV -
I had woken up in the bus next to Esther. I was confused. Nobody else was in the bus and my head hurt. Suddenly I remembered last night, what happened to Avi and that I fell unconscious. It all came back to me.
She turned her head to me and smiled sadly. 'Hey you're awake. How are you feeling? Do you need anything like water or so?'
I shook my head.
I couldn't care less about myself. I wanted to know where Avi was.
If he was alright, then so was I.
'Kevin,Scott and Mitch brought him to the next hospital...' Esther interrupted my thoughts.
I nooded and stood up.
That's all I needed to know to grab my jacket and run towards my destination.

*At the hospital*

Those stupid doctors told me all the same stuff :
'He's unconscious.No you can't go in there.He's not awake.
He can't hear what you're
saying.' and so on. But I didn't care. I just wanted to see him. That's all my heart was craving. Him. He..was the love of my life and I couldn't go a day without him. Avi knew that. He said he loved me too and I believed him. The way he looked at me. The way he cared for me. It was something special only we had. He devoted his life to me. I was his one and only, and so was he to me. But after all this time we've been together, after 4 years, he became distant. He talked less and worried more, about things only he seemed to see. And when he was about to open up to me he smashed the gates to his heart shut and I stood in front of them. Alone and left behind by his love.
I felt like it was my fault. And I think he noticed that I started to bottle everything up inside me as well. I talked to Scott and Mitch about it, but I couldn't talk to my bestfriend. Because my bestfriend had just shut me out.
I wanted to change that.
I didn't care if it was against the doctors will but I grabbed the handle of the door and stepped inside his room.

It was colder than I've expected. My eyes wandered through the room and then I saw him. Avi.
My love, laying in a hospital. Because of me. I fought back my tears. 'No Kirstie you're not going to cry. Stay strong. For him' I scolded myself and walked to him. I sat down on the chair next to his bed and I took his hand in mine.
It has been quite a while that I've touched him. I missed his warmth next to me and most importantly: I missed him.
'Avi..' I started to whisper. My gaze fell to our hands. After a few seconds of silence I started to speak.
'Do you remember the first time you talked to me?' I closed my eyes and smiled. ' You were so nervous you started to stutter. It was the first time we've seen each other... before the sing off.' I sighed at the memory. 'You invited me to drink a coffee with you at that sweet little shop and.. you were so curious. You wanted to know everything about me although I've met you only a few minutes before.' I opened my eyes and looked at our hands again. ' And that day was the happiest day of my life. You.. were the best thing that ever happened to me... you know that.. right? Avi..don't you ever.. ever forget that, please.' I haven't noticed that I was crying by now.

I felt a hand stroking my cheek.
'I know and I won't' A deep voice said and as I looked up I met his beautiful green eyes.
Avi was awake.

Thank you all for reading!
Funny thing: I wrote this chapter at 5 am because I was busy all day.. and since I couldn't sleep I thought why not write another one?
Finally we have a Kavi moment :D and more will follow BUT not all will be happy. You have been warned.

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