Chapter 11

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- Scott's POV -
We had to cancel the rest of the show.
Kirstie, Mitch and I had found both, Avi and Kevin, in the bathroom sitting on the floor next to each other.
They looked horrible and the scene was horrifying.
Kevin sat there, staring at his cellphone without blinking. He was shivering and I could hear him mumbling something.
And then there was Avi.
He was a mess. He was laying now on the ground in a fetal position while pulling at his hair.
Tears formed in my eyes and I yelled for Esther to get Kirstie out of here. She did not deserve to see this. Her eyes showed so much pain and fear, it was heartbreaking.

Mitch went to Kevin, took his phone out of his hands and talked to him quietly. Kevin started to relax a little and they stood up and walked out of the bathroom to get a bottle of water.
I was left alone with Avi.
'Hey Avi..' I approached him slowly and kneeled down in front of him, putting a hand on his shivering shoulder.
He was crying and yelling at himself.
'It's my fault!!! Everything is my fault!!'
'No Avi it's not please calm down'.
I took his hands in mine, so he would stop pulling at his hair.
'Please talk to me. What's wrong?' I asked softly.
He looked up. His eyes were puffy and bloodshot and.. dark.
I've never seen his eyes like that. They beared so much pain.
I noticed that he wouldn't talk to me unless he could write it down so I took out my phone, but he stopped me and looked into my eyes.
'S-scott' His first word after weeks. The first time he actually talked to someone and not only to himself. I was amazed.
'Yes Avi?' I smiled to him.
'I don't want to..' He started to sob and I tightened my grip around his hands.
'You don't want to what Avi?'
I tried to encourage him to go on.
Suddenly he pulled away from me and started to yell.
I shushed him because I didn't want anyone to hear us.
'Avi calm down I won't tell anyone I promise!' His eyebrows furrowed and then he sunk down to the floor again.
He mumbled something I couldn't hear and I asked him to repeat it. And he did.

- Kirstie's POV -
'What is happening with us? I can't understand. It's like everything is falling apart.
Esther told me not to worry about it but I can't. It's hard to see the love of your life ruining his life for something he had experienced so long ago. I wish that I could help him but he pushes me away everytime I try to.' I was talking to myself while Esther went to the others to check out if they were ok. I was sitting in the back of our bus lounge crying. Was it my fault?
I always thought about it since the day Avi decided to shut me out. I hated myself for that. I had tried to help him, to comfort him. But his demons were stronger.
I had seen him cutting before. I had seen him hurting himself because he thought that he deserved it. I on the other hand thought he deserved someone who loved him. To show him how to love again. And I was there. I was willing to try to get him back to a normal life. But he wouldn't let me in.. It was like he was fighting. First against his demons and then against me. It seemed like he wanted to fight this battle alone, but how could someone possibly win, when there was no armour left?'
I was brought back to reality when Esther sat next to me. She sighed.
'What's wrong?' I asked carefully. 'Kirst... Scott brought him to the hospital' My eyes grew bigger.
'What?! Why?!' I was on the edge of crying. Esther hugged me and whispered. 'Scott just thinks that it's safer for Avi there. He shouldn't be alone with his thoughts'
I gulped. What did that mean?!
'They brought him to a mental institution Kirst.' Now Esther was sobbing too.
I slowly backed away and looked her in the eyes. Then she mumbled 'He's thinking about killing himself'
And that's when my world broke again.


- Mitch's POV -
No visitors allowed for the first two hours. They had to check Avi twice to make sure what exactly his problem was. Doctors can be so oblivious sometimes.
Scott called me to come here after I dropped Kevin off at Genevieve's. I thanked her for taking him in for awhile. Esther had enough to deal with.
We sat around in the waiting room, not talking just thinking.
'Gosh why him?' I thought to myself. Avi was one of the most humble persons I have ever met. Why did he have to deal with such shit.
I heard the door open and close again and I looked up from my phone. Kirstie and Esther walked in, arm in arm and sat beside us.
We all remained silent. We had to many thoughts to process by ourselves.
Time went by and the doctors allowed us to see him. I started to feel sick. What have they done to him? Is he hurt? What are the results?
I felt a hand on my back and looked up. Scott must have noticed how nervous I was that he decided to comfort me.
He was a sweetheart.

Now you would think that mental institutions looked like those horrible kind of prisons which were often shown in movies and stuff but no. This one looked like a normal hospital. It was warm and kind of comforting. I relaxed a little.
We were lead through the building until we stopped in front of a door.
'He's still asleep but when he wakes up I just want you to not bombard him with questions. Let him speak if HE wants to and not when you want him to and try to make him feel loved somehow. Call us if something happens' The doctor left and we looked at each other. Scott counted backwards and opened the door.
The room was bright and warm. The walls had paintings on them and it looked like a normal bedroom except for the hospital bed. Avi laid there, plugged in some machines which recorded his brain activity and heartbeat just for medical purposes. But beside of that he looked normal.
No new scars or something like that. We walked closer to his bed
and let Kirstie go beside him. She took his hand in hers and kissed his knuckles. Soon she was crying.
We spent a few hours in his room. The doctors came and left but told us that we could remain there as long as we wanted to which was a good thing because we wanted to be there for Avi. He needed us..well that was what I thought. We hadn't talked since the moment we stepped inside his room. We sat down on chairs around his bed and Kirstie had positioned her head on his chest.
It was sad to see her like that. Heart breaking in fact. I would die inside too if it was me who laid on the chest of a beloved one who wanted to die.

I closed my eyes. I started to get tired when I heard Kirstie's voice whisper-singing.

' A light in the room
It was you
who was standing there
Tried it was true
As your glance met my stare.
But your heart drifted off
Like the land split by sea
I tried to go, to follow,
To kneel down at your feet
I'll run, I'll run
I'll run,run to you
I'll run, I'll run
I'll run run to you..'

Scott and I looked at each other and joined in.

'I've been settling scores
I've been fighting so long
But I've lost your war
And our kingdom is gone
How shall I win back
Your heart which was mine
I have broken bones and tattered clothes
I've run out of time
I'll run, I'll run
I'll run,run to you
I'll run, I'll run
I'll run run to you..'

We stopped when we heard the sound of the heart rate counter speed up.

That's a looong chapter.
What do you think so far?

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