Chapter 4

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Have you ever had the feeling that you were trapped in your own little world? That there was no way out and you couldn't get away from it? You had nowhere or no one to run to. And all because it didn't matter. It really didn't matter. Your problems and nightmares would follow you wherever you went and if you tried to get help, if you tried to let people in.. you'd just hurt them and you'd become colder than before. That's why you wouldn't even care. You'd just run away. Trying to forget everything but here's the thing. You couldn't..running away was hopeless, because the past lives within you.
Because YOU are the past.

- Avi's POV -
I just ran. The rain was heavy, washing over me like a waterfall and wetting my clothes. They became heavier but it didn't matter. I passed many streets, not getting slower, not looking forward to stop. 'You can't run away Avriel. Try if you want to but I will follow you' The voice in my head started whispering.
Oh no please not again... I turned into an alley and stopped running. I leaned against the wall of a shop. I closed my eyes. 'It is all your fault you know. You are the reason why everything is falling apart. You are the reason why Kirstie is crying and blaming herself. You...are nothing. Nothing in this world!!' I let out a scream, slamming my fist against the wall. Soon I felt the pain rushing through me. My hand was bleading and I started to shiver. 'Leave me alone.. please' I whispered. ' Please..' I sunk down on my knees. My world became darker. I could feel the cold around me. 'Pathetic.' The voice started laughing. Mechanically. Getting louder.I pulled my hair and cried out 'LEAVE ME ALONE!'

-Kevin's POV-
'Come on Avi. Don't do this to us.' Scott and I have searched every corner around the bus and a few streets from there but my brother was nowhere to be found. The rain had stopped for which we were thankful and we decided to search separately. Of course we would pay attention to remain in each others sight, just in case something happend.
'Avi come on bro' It was really dark out here. Only a few lights here and there offered us a little help. I noticed that Scott wasn't near me anymore. I looked around and started to get worried. 'Kevin! ' I turned over following Scotts voice. He was kneeling down. 'Avi?!' I thought running as fast as I could across the street. I stopped in front of them and a single tear rolled down my cheek. There he was. My best friend and my brother, sitting on the ground with fists pulling at his hair. His shoulders were shaking and I could hear him mumbling something. I scooted over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder and leaning in to hear what he was saying.
'I'm sorry.. please.. leave me.. don't bring me back.. p-please..I don't deserve to be loved.. I don't deserve her love.. She doesn't deserve someone.. like me.. no one does.. ' Then it was silent. Scott raised his head to look at me and gestured me to help him bringing Avi back into the bus, where he could be save, although he didn't want to. I stood up slowly. Avi said something under his breath and I wished I hadn't heard it.

'Please just let me die'

-Mitch's POV -
'Kirstie calm down. They will find him I'm sure.' I rubbed her back once more. Then she stood up and looked at me.
' Mitch. Don't you understand? He does not want to be found. He went away because he wanted to leave ' I raised an eyebrow and stood up as well. 'Kirst..' 'Don't say anything' she shushed me, looking down at her feet. I tilted my head. I tried to understand what was going on in her mind when I noticed something. She had stopped crying. She was calm and barely shaking. It was as if nothing happened. 'Mitch? ' I looked directly in her eyes. 'Why are you staring at me?' I opened my mouth to say something when I noticed that she was frozen. Instantly her eyes filled with tears. I followed her gaze to the door of our bus. They had returned. Scott and Kevin were carrying an unconscious Avi inside. I checked him with my eyes to make sure he hadn't injured himself when my stare landed on his hand. His knuckles were bleading. What had happend?
I heard Kirstie gasping behind me. I turned around just in time to catch her before she fell onto the ground. Great.. now we have two unconscious people.
The day couldn't have been better.

Hey guys! Don't worry Kavi moments will come soon. I'm working on it. Thank ya'll for reading!

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