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Mackenzie |

When I unfinished packing,can I just say,I cannot wait for Justine to get here.

"Hey girls,since Jennifer went to hang out with Shawn,do you want to go out for a lunch?" Madison asked mahogany and i.

"Sure!" Lox said.

"Yeah lemme change." I told them as I quickly changed in a peach colored skater skirt and tucked in my nirvana muscle tee into the skirt,and then I put on my sandals.

"Let's go." I said grabbing my wallet and phone.

"So do you know any nice place to eat?" I asked mahogany cuz she was driving.

"Yeah,there is this restaurant on the beach,it's really pretty." She said as put the keys in ignition.

"Okay,sweet." I said as I got a text on my phone.

Daniel💕 - hey kenz where are you?

Kenzie❤️ - hey. The girls and I are heading to a restaurant :)

Daniel 💕- okay,when you get back,let's do something 😍

Kenzie❤️- for sure..mind letting my bros know I'm with lox and Madison??

Daniel 💕- no problem ;)

Kenzie ❤️- thanks bb 😊

Daniel 💕- 😉

About 5 minutes later,we pulled up to a beautiful restaurant.

"Oh my god!" I squealed. "This is so pretty!!"

"I know right." Madison and lox agreed.

We went inside,well the inside is just the part that you get seated but you actually get to be seated outside with the view of the beach.

"So...do you have a thing going on with any of the guys?" Madison asked me as soon as the waitress brought us our drinks.

"No." I answered taking a small sip of my alcohol free Piña-colada.

"Cmon...we know you like Daniel." Mahogany smiled.

I blushed. "Maybe."


Kenzie just left for a two weeks,although I will be seeing her in 1 week.

Dakota and I thought that this would be the perfect time for an us day.

As I was changing I heard my phone go off indicating that I had just gotten a text.

I picked up my phone and saw it was from Kota.

Kotabear💕💕- hey bby I'll be over in 5.

Justine doe👏🏻👏🏻❤️- okay...I'll be ready :)

Don't get my wrong,I think Dakota is amazing and sweet,but I feel like our love is dying,I mean when we kiss,sparks don't fly,and he rarely does anything for me. I was the one who suggested this date. I'm the one to send goodnight and morning texts.

I...I just don't know anymore,I guess what I'm saying is our relationship is boring in a way.

"Justine!!" I heard my older sister yell.


"Your boyfriend is here!"

"Okay." I said fixing my hair before walking downstairs with my phone in my hand.

"You ready?" Kota asked me.

"Yeah,bye juls."

"So what are we doing today?" I asked Dakota.

"How about we see a movie?" He suggested.

"I guess...?" I shrugged...we haven't gone on a date in how ever long  and all he wants to do is go to the movies?? Yeah..okay.

We began walking to the movie theater which thankfully he had brought his money.

"What movie are we seeing?" I asked him.

"Uh..I don't care..how about the visit?"

"I guess." I shrugged.

He paid for the tickets and snacks and we went to find a seat.

He chose two seats next to these stunning girls...of course.

"Hi girls!" He smiled. "Do you mind if we sit here?" He finished with a wink.

"Of course not." They giggled.

I just rolled my eyes and sat down.

The whole movie Dakota was flirting  with them.

That's it.

As the credits were playing I gathered my stuff and walked out of the theater.

"Whoa Justine..What's the attitude about?" He asked me as he followed me outside.

"Oh idk maybe about how you take me to a freakin movie,and flirt with girls right infront of my face! Dakota..it's just not there anymore!"

"what's not there anymore?"

"I-I don't know .... The love i guess."

"What are you saying??"

"That." I paused. "Maybe we should break up."

"If that's what you want..then that's fine."

I nodded my head as a tear slipped out of my eye.

"Friends?" He asked.

"Friends." I smiled.



I finally updated! Sorry my schedule is just so tight,I barley have enough time to update...

I will be trying to update my book Skype soon!

Love you guys!


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