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You complimented my soul.
With kind words that I once despised.
Cause' you make them sound elegant.

No one has ever cared.
No one has ever dared.
I was never a person of interest.
Until you proved me wrong.

Occupying my thoughts softly.
Wondering what the hell I'm feeling.
I promised myself this wouldn't happen.
So why I am thinking of you every single day.

You are whirlpool of everything I am.
Swishing back and forth with care.
Like a lost but sure drunken lover.
Clinging gently to his bottle of gin. 

I'm lost for words for the first time.
You understand, my god you understand.
It's all becoming too precious and good.
That I'm scared to leave a mark of trust.

I'm dazed by the fact that I've found you.
From a friend to a friend, I need more.
But what do you want, I wish I knew.

Because unspoken words are cancer to a writers soul.
And I wish I could write you a whole novel of how I feel.
Because I'm falling and I've always been afraid of heights.

So will you be there to catch me ?
Will we float around and hang out on clouds ?
Or we will fall to a inevitable death of love.
It's happening and I'm lost. My first poem about a real person, whoopee. Stabbing me to death would hurt less. Why I am such a sensitive bitch ?

Sincerely Yours,

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