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I'm so far gone from reality.
That it overwhelms me with life.
My existence is depressing short.
Happiness seems like a afternoon.

Everyday I live with monotone tendencies.
Trying so hard to make each day without liberty.
Filling the sadness with material like necessities.
Writing is my strongest need and must overall.

Imagination helps me escape the god forsaken reality.
Dreaming up my own perfect world keeps me forever sane.
I'm eternally happy in the state of lovingly sweet hallucinations.
Making up for all that isn't present in the dead horror that is life.

They say I'm crazy and that I need to wake up soon.
But I can't comprehend a nightmare instead of a daydream.
It's too much of a perfect place to be in, a fulfilled sanity.
I'm just a kook staying in a lovers story, hung up romance.

I'm slowly disappearing into my own little death of dark isolation.
Not wanting to leave my greatest creation, clinging on with desperation.
Why don't they understand ? I'm just a person with held in frustration.
Waiting for the good to arrive and finally make it's demonstration.

My fingertips barely touch the face of reality.
It screams back at me whenever I caress it.
No source of comfort, just a sad old glance.
Wanting to start anew, with one last chance.
Well it's been awhile since I've written a poem this huge. This is just my life in general, not a description of everybody's life. I realise that it does sound quite schizophrenic but I'm not that disillusioned by life. I just tend to daydream and write myself into worlds to escape reality. I'm aware of life, that's why I don't want to be in it.

I hope someone understood that kook reference.
If only life was as lovingly honest as Hunky Dory.

Sincerely Yours,

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