Past Judgements.

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If I were to perfectly describe the overwhelming amount of humbling gratitude. For those who share their kind remarks on the work I've slaved day and night over. It would be to have the ability to thank every single person who's read my honest words. To return the cherished feeling of a heartfelt compliment that stays with the soul forever.

Hideous loneliness clutches tightly on my weakened posture like the well known plague. And with every moment that I shared alone with you in my times of vulnerable sadness. You took the comfort of my protecting mask until you no longer needed my darkened disease. With a harsh bitterness that's like a burn on the tongue, you dissolved the words I yearned to speak before they could exit my tore lips.

The soothing warmth I harvest no longer sustains my skinny body as well as it used to. So much that with every violent shiver, I can feel my soul trying to escape from it's shell. When I long to put my mind to rest, I imagine your existence slowly becoming intertwined with mine. But in saddening reality, my heating comforter solely remains as a lonely reminder of my dreaded solitude.

Someday I wonder if it's ever going to happen to someone as complex as me. My heart contemplates all that could go wrong in such a hopeful possibility. Perhaps that's why I can never stay long in the act of getting immensely close. But one day, I know I'll take the chance and let myself feel that special love overdose.
Just some organised judgements/thoughts regarding myself and other aspects of my past and present life. I was mainly just heavily inspired to write something as Leonard Cohen's voice always brings out the best in me, haha.

Sincerely Yours,

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