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I look up and search for you among the stars.
The night sky is painted sentimentally dark.
You turned into a black star, still existing.
I cannot connect with you any other way.

You were beyond the world, I think you knew.
Your time here was precious and now treasured.
I often wonder if you're up there, looking down at us.
What must you think of the impact you left here.

It's hard, I will admit but we're still living.
You're something else like you always were.
I hope you can hear us, it's my only comfort.
You've blown my mind and I'm gathering the pieces.

I always admired and preferred night rather than day.
You've given me all the more reason to cherish it.
I hope I'm not alone, I'm trying so hard to believe you.
Your soul was massively generous, it's larger than life now.

I'll love you until my existence is no more.
You're my new guidance and inspiration.
I hope you can hear me.
It's my only hope.
My letter/tribute to David Bowie. I'm not taking it well. I miss him a lot.

I don't know what else to do.
I dedicate my 90th poem to you.

Sincerely Yours,

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