Anatomy Illness.

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The stormy rain cloud above my darkened head of hair.
Dampens the mind of positive perspective and loving notion.
It drowns the plants of hopeful thought from ever growing tall.
So the pestering weeds continue to overlap and fester deeper inside.

The evil scientist within the laboratory of my sunken heart.
Experiments carelessly with the colours of bold depression.
Spilling the poisonous melancholic potion all over my lungs.
Cutting the veins and dissolving the naked skin of emotions.

The haunted house that lives upon the top of my ragged skeleton.
Lingers with dead spirits, making the body devoid of any movement.
Hearing the thundering chaos that shakes me to the insomniacs door.
I lay awake, numb to the feeling of confinement that is my soft coffin.

Stammering down the hallways of my chemically imbalanced brain. Running into dead ends that are thin with no clear manual of thinking. I crawl across the floorboards that are leaking with slippery toxic matter. As I try ever so hard to escape the self-destruction that is my whole being.
My entire soul is being eaten away by a long length of depression. It's exhausting beyond belief and I cannot seem to shake it. Help me.

Sincerely Yours,

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