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The storms of October have hit you again.
Although the tides tried drown you.
You have survived once again.
With a close call from death.

How did it feel to be threatened with death ?
The Grim Reaper is not the least bit impressed.
Your mistake could've been so tragically fatal.
What gives you the right to play life or death ?

Never throw around your words so loosely.
Take care of yourself without the careless risks.
How did it feel to know that you almost lost your body ?
Appreciate life because it could so easily be snatched.

Imagine if you left so quickly and early.
Never hearing the sound of music.
Never seeing your loved ones again.
Never feeling anything familiar again.

It wasn't pretty swimming in near death.
Choking on the soul grabbing emptiness.
How does it feel to know you just made it ?

I have no words.
So today was something. Life changing mistakes really make you question yourself and what the fuck you're thinking and doing. It's good and bad. Mixed emotions were had...exhaustion, disappointment, guiltiness, anger. You name it, I felt it.

I'm starting to really regret the romanticisation I wrote about death no more than two months ago. Just know, I regret it. There's nothing beautiful about dying, there's nothing great about accidents or careless self harm. It will affect you and your loved ones so please for the love of god. GET HELP.

You are existing in this world and it is wonderful. Imagine never hearing a bird sing or never seeing a child's glowing face ever again. Never feeling all those shitty but comfortable emotions cause trust me, it's better than feeling nothing. It's the littlest things, it really is and the appreciation you must have is the key.

Great, your life is shit but think about the daily blessings that everybody fails to count.
You'll be glad one day that you stuck around to see it. Cause it's a big world out there.

Sincerely Yours,

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