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It's a common but rare feeling.
It's white noise in a black room.
It's strangling your throat.
And it's draining your body.

It's like you're drowning.
In a sea full of a dead souls.
Nothing to cling onto.
So you soak into the ground.

You miss the comfort of being sad.
Because you wish you could just feel something.
But that's the thing, you are missing that something.
So you are surrounded by the vast inevitable.

You look around and cry for help.
You wonder why no one can hear you.
Then you remember that you're silent.
And that a few words can stop them from worrying.

They can't see the emptiness inside you.
Because there's simply nothing there.
So how do you get out of something.
That's not even there.
Yeah I'm depressed, it happens but it varies. But the feeling of emptiness is very hard to escape. If you don't know what it feels like then you should feel lucky, my friend.

Sincerely Yours,

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