Love Story.

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I don't like to waste my poems on men who cease to exist in my life.
But since the end seems clear, I'll carefully dwell on you one last time. It's amazing how fast dreams can die in the hands of those created them. With how you talked, I naively thought our lives would forever intertwine as one perfect mess.

It's funny how love makes some forget the presence of consistently loyal friends. Your words were painted with sincerity but your actions were splattered with contraction. You can repeat the same sentence again and again but one day, it'll be due to lose it's meaning. Perhaps your pedestal was much too high for a prince who would take over a million years to become a king.

I'm just a fading poetic letter hiding in the scrapbook of forgotten memories that you choose to keep. You stole my words and never gave them back, if only I could spill the ink all over my shed skin. I know someday I'll look back and be glad I never gave you my most heartfelt expressions of love. For there's someone special waiting out there, who's more perfect for me than you'll ever be.

You taught me how to overlook neglect, just like how my old man conned his way with me long ago. But my expectations and needs are yet to be destroyed in a hopeful fire that is stamped out by terrible men. I am an independent lady and I will do what I can, I will love fearlessly and tremendously with all my heart. Because this isn't my beginning or my bitter sweet-end, this is the middle where I shall sit contently in the dreamy lovers den.
My love story of sorts. It's greatly positive and it's still writing itself.

Sincerely Yours,

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