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Diseased needles poke out from my sides.
A fog of oozing poison seeps from the brain.
Filthy longing that slathers across the thighs.
Sit up straight for you must remain composed.

Thoughts of darkness prance around your head.
Pissing on the cells of rational and peaceful thinking.
A careless facade rests upon your unfazed complexion.
Simple nod of reassurance keeps them at bay with ease.

A book of memories lay awake in your presence.
Filing it carefully in the cabinet of your lost love.
Strings hold you tight as it chokes the life out of you.
Your heart bleeds as if a cannibal is feasting voraciously.

Everyday is a play that is over rehearsed.
Killing each part of the non-changing script.
You wish to say something different just once.
But your cracked lips are forever sewn together.
Just had to get some uncomfortable feelings out as always, it's a bit "out there" but that's me, haha. We Are The Dead' by David Bowie is above as it gives off some vibes. 'Diamond Dogs' is a strange masterpiece much like the severely underrated conceptual '1. Outside' album. Do yourself a favour and listen to it as it inspires my style of poetry greatly.

Who am I kidding ? David Bowie is my number one inspiration at all times.

Sincerely Yours,

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