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Farewell, dear friend.
It was a nice long run.
Since you were my special one.
But I'm starting to feel a little numb.

Who thought three words would change it all.
Your comforting embrace wasn't ever-lasting.
And though our conversations were deleted.
My feelings for you could never be diminished.

Who thought this day would come.
I certainly didn't mean for it to fall undone.
It's strange to think that you were the only one.
And now I'm barely breathing with my lungs.

I'll miss you for many days that I shall not count.
I wonder if our minds will run into each other.
I thought the world of you and therefore I got lost.
The only difference now is that I've found the map.

I'm strolling down the road of your last sentence.
Making my way through the final word of my own.
But before I reach the full stop, I shut my eyes tightly.
To whisper goodbye to you as I cry ever so lightly.
Saying goodbye is never easy, especially when it's someone you love. Someone you thought you'd never have to lose and yet, here you are. It's for the best though.

Life goes on.

Sincerely Yours,

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