XI. Succumbing to the Hungry Lion

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WARNING: Unedited

 P.S. A little surprise in this chapter. It involves a girl you all know so well ;D


Stubborn Hearts:

XI.   Succumbing to the Hungry Lion


It was during Lunch when realization slapped me across the face also seeing Melanie grinning at me while sitting beside me, fidgeting in excitement. It was just two words that escaped her lips that made me stop mid-bite from my sandwich. It was then that fear surged through my veins, burning my insides as my body stiffened from just those simple words. 

Yearbook Club.

It was the club that I had no decision into joining rather than being forced into by the girl sitting beside me. I didn't know much about cameras besides the basics. I wasn't much interested in clubs at my old school. Besides that, I...didn't even want to step into the classroom that would be managed by a girl who not only screamed out danger and brought fear to me, something inside of me was hypnotized by her. It may sound strange but those golden blue eyes held mine captive in wicked trances. Maybe it was the fear that smothered me whenever I was around her or just the lure she had. Along with her beauty, everything about her wrapped a rope around me and pulled me to her.

Was it because of her 'bad girl' vibe attracted me to her? It was plausible. Mostly everyone wanted to have that taste of rebellion in their lives. But her vibe was different than the usual cliche. She was far from rebellious.

"...I heard about what happened with Lois," Melanie's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and brought my attention upon her. She looked solemn and worry filled those hazel eyes of hers. But there was another emotion in those eyes. Something that was well hidden. "Is she alright?"

"She's pretty bruised up but she'll be okay," I told her, taking another bite of my sandwich.

I was becoming antsy. 

My heart was pounding hard against my chest and my nerves were going crazy. I knew once Lunch was over, I would have to go to Yearbook Club and enter the lion's cave. I would have to face the girl with those hypnotizing eyes. I would rather be stuck in a room with Helena than her... No, that would be worse. I don't if I could trust my body when it came to Helena.

"I wonder who hurt her," Melanie hummed softly as she drank the rest of her Sprite.

"Yeah..." My voice trailed off as my gaze suddenly landed on Helena who talked with Ella outside the cafeteria.

Helena looked furious while Ella had her head bowed, her ash blond hair covering her face. I suddenly felt angry at Helena. Why was she treating Ella like that? Ella was a precious flower. I wanted to march over there and protect Ella from Helena. But they Helena pointing her finger at the delicate girl as her violet eyes blazed with fury, I knew I couldn't do anything. It almost seemed as if Helena was scolding her for something she did bad. 

"Why is Helena arguing with Ella?" I bluntly asked Melanie who looked up from her book and narrowed her eyes on the two girls outside the cafeteria.

I wanted to hear what Helena was saying so badly. I wanted to know why she was so mad at Ella but I understood why they were outside. The cafeteria was loud with chatter and laughter. Some girls would usually scream and start fits of giggles. Since the incident with Lois, there were a few security guards at every building, walking amongst the hall, keeping a watchful eye on everything. There was still no news as to whom hurt Lois but my gut told it had to do with Helena.

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