XVI. The Nameless Casualty who Captured the Quarry's Heart

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Stubborn Hearts:

XVI.    The Nameless Casualty who Captured the Quarry's Heart


 Dazed and confused.

Those two words summed me up entirely right now. 

Even as Cassandra had briefly told me that Coach Henderson was coming for us along with the rest of the softball team and the Yearbook Club in the school bus we came in. Though, I couldn’t quite understand why Cassandra had that frightened look in her eyes. She seemed on edge and any sudden movement either it was from a car or simply a person passing by us made her jump and cower back to the glass window of the store behind us. I wanted to know why she was acting like this but decided not to since we weren’t good terms. Our friendship was fragile right now and I wanted to work on it even if she didn’t have the desire to do so. I miss my roommate/friend. 

Why couldn’t we be like how we were in the past where Helena didn’t come between us? I didn’t care about the kiss between them anymore. Helena and I weren’t a couple nor did I have feelings for her…? So why was Cassandra making it a big deal in avoiding me every day? Perhaps she thought I liked Helena even when I didn’t…

That thought lingered in my mind yet I threw all the reasons why I didn’t like the girl with those rare violet eyes away. She was arrogant, had a temper, a womanizer, and everyone had told me: She was dangerous. All the things on not liking this girl were perfectly good reasons. Being with someone like her who was in a gang could bring my life at risk and walking on eggshells as I try not to piss her off or anyone at that matter. Helena wouldn’t bother with someone like me. The only reason our paths crossed was because her main rival were targeting me for a stupid mistake I had made.

It seems surreal to think a power thirsty gang were after me just because I helped Helena from being beaten to death. It wasn’t a strong reason to take my life. There had to be something else. Surely, the leader of the Black Vendetta wasn’t stupid enough to randomly take people’s lives over something so simple but the image of that teenage boy that was murdered in the alley just next to me flashed in my mind. I clutched my camera tightly in my hands, knowing well enough that I had evidence in the memory card. I had to show Helena and Danni on what I just saw and try to pinpoint on why the boy was killed.

“Amanda,” Cassandra’s low voice snapped me out of my reverie as I brought my gaze to her.

She was looking down at her cleats, keeping her eyes away from me. Her hazel nut hair was finally loose as it fell down her shoulders in perfect waves. She had unbuttoned the first few buttons of her softball jersey revealing a golden necklace of a cross dangling just below her collarbones. 

“Yeah?” I replied.

“C-can you do me a favor?” She asked me, bringing those blue eyes of hers to me. 

“Sure, what do you need?” 

Cassandra sighed, her shoulders sagging a little, “Don’t tell Helena about what happened earlier.”

“You mean with that guy?”

She nodded, brushing a few strands of her hair behind her ear as she bit her lower lip, “Yeah, him. Don’t tell her that I know him. It will…complicate things and get me in serious trouble.”

Trouble? With who?

I was about to ask her that when a familiar yellow and black school bus came into my view as it slowly stopped in front of us. A few heads popped out of the open windows, waving at Cassandra who waved back. The door slid open and revealed Coach Henderson on the bottom steps, his brown eyes scanning Cassandra and I for any wounds before sighing, giving us a reassuring smile that everything was okay but to me, nothing was okay. I just experienced a school shooting(that I will never go through again), I was a witness to a freaking murder, and I still don’t know if I have enough courage to face the possible hitmen of the Black Vendetta. 

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