XXVII. The Clashing of Two Rivals: Part Two

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This chapter isn't too graphic or gorey. I don't wanna introduce you into the dark side of my mind yet lol

Enjoy! <3


Stubborn Hearts:

XXVII.   The Clashing of Two Rivals: Part Two


Thump. Thump. Thump.

My heart pounded in my chest as I sat there in the Navigator, eyeing the safe house. I searched for any possible way to go in without creating attention to myself. I had made a plan that I would let my men distract the Vendettas as I slipped inside the house and retrieve Amanda. But the Vendettas weren’t stupid enough to let anything slip by them. Even though no one was guarding the outside of the house, I knew without a doubt that there were Vendettas inside. 

I took a deep breath, not liking this situation at all. There was only ten of us here with god knows how many there are inside while the rest of the gang are preparing when the Vendettas make a move in attacking us. It was risky especially when the police could be contacted as soon as a witness sees the blood feud. I raked my fingers through my hair as the Guerrillas sitting beside me in the Navigator placed a suppressor onto their guns. We had to move stealthily and be hidden from the witnesses. 

I didn’t want the police knocking on my door. As much as I oppose into barreling into the enemy’s territory, I cannot let another day go by with Amanda in their possession. I knew this was a trap and I knew I would lose men for this but I will not fail in retrieving Amanda. I would not have another failure for my parents to look down on. I will put a stop in Rhea’s antics and save Amanda like she had done once in the past.

She was my damsel that needed saving and here I was, planning a strategy in how to separate the Vendettas. I looked at the cars parked at the curb and the house that held Amanda hostage. The safe houses blended well with the others. It was a two story yellow house with a well nurtured front yard and chain linked fence. A few lights were on and I could vaguely see figures in a few rooms. There was no sound coming from the house and it was difficult to know if the sounds of laughter was coming from within or from the other homes. 

It was nearing midnight and the neighbors should be off to sleep but it seemed a few wanted to continue their night. The darkness of the street hid us from being seen and the street lamps were far apart from each other, giving us the opportunity to rush to the house and do our job but I could see a figure walking down the street with their dog at the side. A frustrated sigh escaped my lips as I glared at the old woman walking her dog. She sure would call the police if there was any disturbance and I don’t want any pigs sniffing around.

“Couldn’t the lady walk her dog in the morning?” I heard Erik growl underneath his breath as he checked his gun if it was full of ammo for the third time. 

“Be patient, Erik,” Steven hissed at him as he continued to look through the binoculars. 

Erik dragged his glare to the back of Steven’s head before looking at me, “What’s the plan, Boss?”

I twisted the suppressor onto my gun tightly before responding, “Throw a smoke bomb underneath one of the cars and set the alarm. It will distract them and lure a few out and we would enter from the back and take them out. We still don’t know if Tony is with them but I have a feeling that his Hellcat is. I want five to go with me while the others would take care of those who leave the house. Understand?”

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