XIII: Let the Secrets Spill While the Blood Drips: Part Two

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**WARNING: Unedited


Stubborn Hearts:

XIII: Let the Secrets Spill While the Blood Drips: Part Two


I felt the nerves kick in as soon as we stopped in front of a door that was closed off by the mild chatter bouncing off the walls of the corridor and the giggling girls that rushed past Danni and I. Figure it be Thursday with the Softball Championship game just hours away, Black Woods Academy was hyped up than I ever saw. From the small journey to get to the end of the East Wing where Danni and Helena’s dorm resorted, all the girls had little parties to celebrate the achievement of being in the championship even the teachers celebrated in the Teachers’ Lounge. I suppose this game meant everything to them. Was Softball cherished so greatly like football was in every town and state? 

Danni let out a heavy sigh, sparing me a quick glance before she opened the door that was filled with band stickers and a sign that said in bold letters, ‘BEWARE: LESBIANS ARE HIBERNATING’. I chuckled softly at it, noticing Danni’s lips quirk up, throwing me a quick wink. Before Danni could grab a hold of the doorknob and I got to see the infamous dorm her and Helena shared and what most girls had entered into as they kept swooning after Helena, her cellphone rang.  She sighed, taking out her phone and answering briskly. 

Clear annoyance visibly show in her eyes. “Yes?”

Silence surrounded us apart as I perched myself against the wall, watching Danni, confusion settling on her features. Her eyebrows furrowed together and the hold on her phone tightened. Anger replaced the annoyance in her aqua green eyes. Whatever the person was telling her through the other line didn’t sit well with Danni.

“What about Amanda?” She suddenly asked, glancing at me from the corner of her eye before reverting her attention back to the sticker-filled door. “Are you crazy?! We were suppose to ease her into this than shoving her into something that might actually make her run!”

Make me run? What would possibly make me run from them than listen to them? Could it be whatever Danni and Helena were wanting to tell me be something bad? Could all those warnings directed at Helena was meant for this? Were Danni and Helena actually bad people? So many thoughts that brought my mind to come up with different scenarios for these two girls. The two prominent scenarios were of Danni and Helena turning out to be drug dealers or thugs. Though, they didn’t look like the sort to be giving death in packets to people but looks can be deceiving. 

“…I understand,” Danni sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “No, I’m not frustrated over this brash decision,” she gritted out. 

I could faintly hear laughter coming from the other line which only made Danni’s grip on her phone tighten even more to the point of her knuckles turning white. 

“Of course I’m mad!” She exclaimed, banging her forehead against the door repeatedly. It was starting to worry me when the banging went louder. 

I was about to grab a hold of her shoulders, stopping her from hurting herself even more but she abruptly stopped, her lips tightening into a thin line. 

“Fine,” she finally said, rubbing her forehead. “See you in a few.”

She hung up, shoving her phone back into her pocket while she took a few deep breaths, reigning that anger that was burning in her eyes before facing me and giving me a sad smile, not likely what she was about to do next. 

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