V. Winning Kisses & Drama Filled Realizations

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Another chapter for all you anticipated padawans who enjoy my stories and this one of course!

-Keep believing in yourself and cherish your dreams <3



Stubborn Hearts:

V.    Winning Kisses & Drama Filled Realizations



I chewed on my bottom lip in anticipation, watching Cassandra exhale slowly as she gripped the bat tightly in her fists. Her ocean blue eyes were set on the pitcher of the visiting school. The pitcher smirked as she spun her arm like a windmill and pitched. The crowd was silent and I quickly glanced at the leader board. St. Mary was leading by two and the bases were loaded with the last inning ticking away. The field lights blaring down at the field as a few stars glimmered above in the night sky and the sound of a loud smack brought my attention right after Cassandra swung.

My eyes were glued to the ball as it sailed up in the air. The crowd standing on their feet as Black Woods Academy held in their excitement as their eyes watched the ball. If St. Mary's caught the ball, we would lose and not be able to go to the championship game. It was weird to come to a softball game in it's last month of the season. I wasn't much of a sports person but seeing my roommate slowly jogging to first base, her eyes trained on the ball like the rest of us, maybe softball could be an exception.

I stood on my feet along with the crowd, hugging my arms, my gaze on a familiar girl in the all black softball uniform with the navy blue lettering on her shirt, her violet eyes staring at the ball as she jogged to second base. I glanced back at the ball as it hit the foamed wall and bounced on the grass before stopping.

"RUN!!" Everyone screamed at once, their goal for the championship was dead-on in their eyes as I watched the third base runner slid on the home plate, jumping in the air for making a home-run, not caring if we were still behind by one.

The second base runner sprinted to third base putting more force in her legs as she charged to home. The left fielder of St. Mary’s team grabbed the ball and threw it at the second base catcher only for the ball to come too short. Helena raced past second base and third base with Cassandra just a few feet away with a huge grin on her face. Helena glanced back at Cassandra with a victorious grin and a pang of jealousy hit me as Helena looked back and slid on home plate and Cassandra slid as well. Helena wrapped Cassandra in a hug, kissing her cheek repeatedly while Cassandra blushed a deep scarlet red.

The crowd cheered around me loudly but I hardly paid attention to them. My attention was on the two beings still in an embrace--their teammates jumped in joy as the game finished and the realization of going to the championship game was finally in their grasp settled on them--and Cassandra leaned back, her blush still burning on her skin as Helena's lips moved with a big grin plastered on her face.

And then...they kissed.

I felt my heart plummet to the ground as I watched both my roommate and the girl I saved kiss. Cassandra didn't pull away nor did Helena. They made out, oblivious to their surroundings. My vision blurred but I quickly blinked away the unwanted tears as I maneuvered my way through the crowd and escaped out of those suffocating bleachers. I didn't know what was wrong with me. Why did my heart ache just watching Helena and Cassandra kiss? No wonder everyone warned me about her.

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