XXIII. Face to Face with the Enemy

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Sorry for the long wait you guyssssss. I know I'm updating all late but I've got a lot of homework and preparations for the Finals plus work along with other issues. I'll give it my best shot to upload faster.

Hope you guys understand! :)

-Keep being awesome my padawans and thanks for the support for all my stories


Stubborn Hearts:

XXIII.      Face to Face with the Enemy


I could hear twigs snapping and critters scurrying around along with the music of the crickets and a hooting of an owl. 

I could feel the cold wind soothing me almost like a reassuring caress that everything is going to be fine. The rustling of leaves hovered over my covered head as a steel grip tightened around my arm, dragging me to the unknown destination. When I had woken up to my cruel reality than a simple nightmare my mind conjured, I met only darkness and a tightness around my wrists only to realize that it was rope and it was burning my skin. I did my best to try to decipher the noises around me when I woke up but the sound of a motor running was the only thing that I could pay attention to. I was being transported into god knows where. 

The moment the vehicle stopped and the sound of a door sliding open was when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me out and began leading me somewhere. I had counted the many footsteps around me and could only detect four pairs not including mine. The four people who led me away hardly spoke a word. The one handling me only grunted when I tripped multiple times or whimpered from their tight grip that surely would leave a bruise. 

My breathing was heavy, echoing inside the black bag that covered my head. I could hear the frantic beating of my heart in my ears. I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks and my nose stuffing up. The pain on the back of my head where I was struck was dull yet throbbing. I wanted to go home and not be faced in this situation. I wanted to be safe in my parents’ arms and not have to see the outcome of this.

I’ll do my best to keep the Vendetta from getting you…

Helena’s voice filled my mind, the words repeating themselves over and over again. 

I scoffed, hating myself to actually believe that Helena would keep me safe. Her words held no promise seeming that I was in the Vendetta’s grasp. It was only a comfort for me to fall for; to believe that she would be my savior like she had told me. 

But reality slapped me across the face the moment I woke up to this - being tied and dragged to a place that might be the last place I would step foot in. 

Suddenly, the person guiding halted, tightening their grip on my arm and helped me regain my balance when I stumbled on my feet from the abrupt standstill. I could smell cigarette smoke near me. Even through the black cloth of the bag, the smoke was unbearable. My heart continued to tattoo itself against my chest as I thrashed my head to the sides, trying to pick up at the sudden movements surrounding me. My fear was becoming stronger where my reliable senses were becoming useless. Anything could be happening right now and I won’t have any idea how to defend myself.

“No one followed you?” A male voice asked, a twinge of an accent was heard.

“No,” another voice replied but this one - I knew all too well.

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