III. Reasons to Avoid

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I'm sorry for the long wait!! >.

Well, here's another lovely chapter and I would still continue this story fo sho! Just bear with me mah peeps!!!



Stubborn Hearts:

III.    Reasons to Avoid



I sat there, gazing at the serenity of the view before me.

How the trees swayed side by side in sync, the wind blowing, making a melody in the air. The sun setting, casting out different hues of reds, yellows, oranges, and beautiful violets on the vast blue sky. I relished the peace surrounding me as I ran my fingers through the soft, green grass. Classes were over and coming here behind the academy made everything tranquil. No girls nagging nor gossiping about the wonders of Helena Davis and her disappearance those few months ago.

The thought of Helena made me chew on my snakebite as I suppressed a moan. The occurrence of meeting her for the first time after practically saving her life made my heart pound faster than its steady pace and made my skin go all tingly just the mention of her name in my mind. How could I not find her attractive. She was gorgeous and every girl swooned over her. It felt like Helena was a superstar that made her into a heartthrob for these hormonal teenagers.

"There you are!"

I looked up to see my roommate, Cassandra, walking towards me. Her hazel nut hair was braided beautifully as she approached me. Glee shown in those vivid ocean blue eyes as she plopped herself next to me, smoothing her floral dress. She was beautiful with her flawless, sun kissed tan and her Colgate smile. She was those girls who flew to every guy in her sight. While her father worked as a CEO for a major company, Cassandra was known to party and sneaking away with gorgeous looking guys.

I wouldn't blame her. Cassandra was beautiful and seemed to have every guy wrapped around her finger.

"Why do you always come here after class?" She asked, leaning back onto her elbows as her braid slipped back from her shoulder.

I shrugged, "It's quiet than in there," I jabbed my thumb back at the school and Cassandra laughed.

"Trust me, you won't get any peace out here if you came during the nighttime."

I cocked an eyebrow at her, confused. "What do you mean?"

Her eyes widened as her mouth opened into an 'O' shape. "You don't know?"

"Know about what?" I asked, curious now.

She groaned, rising to her feet as she dusted herself off and seemed to give the ground a disgusted look. "Well, every night when you're dead asleep and most of us are still awake, girls come out here and...you know."

It took a moment for me to progress for what she meant and I suddenly stood up, glaring at the cut green grass as I wiped my palms against my thighs. "You got to be kidding me?!"

Cassandra bent over, clutching her stomach as she barked out laughter, wiping the fallen tears from her eyes. "Oh my...god! You should have seen your face!"

I groaned in frustration as I pushed her, chuckling as I watched her slender, petite form fall upon the ground before I went inside the academy. I walked up the stairs to the West Wing of the dormitory where the seniors and juniors' dorms were. Cassandra's profanity seemed to get louder behind me as she stomped her way upstairs, following me to our dorm. I chuckled as I got to the final step and walked down the dim lit hall from the setting sun streaming through the windows.

Dragging my fingers along the wall, hearing televisions and music blaring from each room, giggles and squeals, I kept myself calm, knowing Cassandra would kill me once we were inside our room. She was still cursing at me under her breath once she got to my side as I immediately stopped myself from bumping into Michelle stepping out of a room, smoothing out the wrinkles of her mini skirt. 

Michelle Drew was a proud stuck-up bitch. She flaunts her money to anyone who seemed less worthy - which is practically to the whole student body. She gets whatever she wants with a bat of her eyelashes and a call to her mother who was a fashion designer. It came to a shock to not only to me but to Cassandra to see the usual well-kept appearance of Michelle’s untidy. Her brown curls were in disarray as she combed them out with her fingers. Her skirt was crooked with the zipper still zipped up half way and her blouse’s sleeve sagged over her shoulder revealing her pink brastrap. 

She looked up and smirked as she strode her way to the East Wing to the freshmen and sophomore side. She was part of the "popular" clique where her older sister was Queen Bee of the academy.

I never truly liked girls like Michelle. They were too selfish and self-centered and to even think Michelle with her pretty form could saunter off as if she was the most beautiful girl, well I would like to take her to the parts of Black Woods where her beauty won't mean anything. As soon as I began to walk forward, another figure stepped out of the room. Shrugging into a Casualties shirt, I completely felt myself stiffen. She slept with Michelle? Did she have anymore dignity to sleep with the girl who bullied others for the amount of money their parents made? Was Michelle one of her games to see how many girls she could sleep with?

Helena steadied herself against the threshold of her doorway as she slipped on her Vans as her black, short hair was tousled around. She still looked beautiful while looking like a complete, hot mess. Her violet eyes drifted to mine and they suddenly widened. She opened her mouth to say something but she closed it immediately, having nothing to say.

Of course she had nothing to say. I was just another student in this academy. I was nothing that important for her. I walked past her, feeling Cassandra behind, not hypnotized by the beauty of Helena as she hummed a familiar tune.

"I assume Helena's a big shot in this school," I glanced at Cassandra who stopped humming and narrowed her eyes.

"Yeah," She said softly as she stopped in front of our room, unlocking it. Before she opened it, she looked over her shoulder at me and I saw the serious emotion in her ocean blue eyes as she said with a warning in her tone, "Just don't cross paths with her, Amanda. Promise me you won't let her dazzle you. She's trouble and I mean it. I'm serious, Amanda."

“I won’t,” I promised, ignoring the deep feeling inside of me as I promised to not get near Helena to the point of falling for her.

She opened the door and stepped inside, leaving me out here in my thoughts, alone.

Helena's trouble?, I thought as I glanced back where Helena once stood.

The memory of rescuing Helena by those guys who beat her came to the forefront of my mind. The way their eyes held fury and disgust towards her. A group of preppies against one hardcore punk girl.

I stepped into our room and knew the promise I made would be difficult to break if my friendship with Cassandra was on the line.

And not only that, the feelings I had developed already for Helena was slowly entangling around that promise...



Stay true to yourself and be beautiful because you are ALL beautiful in your own artisitic/unique ways.


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