VI. Here Comes Trouble

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Stubborn Hearts:

VI.  Here Comes the Drama Queen



"Do you want to break my wrist or something?" I snapped, glaring at the back of Helena's head as she dragged me into the silent halls of the academy. Her hold on my wrist tightening. The moonlight streamed into the windows and into the halls as we walked continuously while I had no idea where we were going.

I thought about Dani and why she stayed. She was going to get hurt and I know I wasn't losing my mind when I heard gunshots. Was she going through a suicidal moment? I shook my head from that idiotic thought. Her expression was hard and her eyes were set on something ready to fight that I couldn't quite see before this buffoon took me away. I remembered the screams from the others girls as they ran to safety but as an image of Dani standing in between of Louie and Damien appeared in my mind, I realized they looked calm and collected unlike the others.

As if they've been through this a bunch of times. Especially Helena who would sometimes be cursing under her breath while shooting daggers outside the windows. Her short black hair was tousled as the sleeves of her black thermal shirt was rolled up to her elbows, exposing her tattoos glowing beautifully underneath the moonlight stream. She still wore her cleats as they clicked against the polished floor of the halls yet it didn't snap out of her thoughts nor did my voice snapped her out of her reverie either.

I tried pulling my hand out of her grasp but it only tightened even more. I even tried digging my heels into the floor to stop her from walking but she would only give a harsh tug and bring me almost bumping into her..

"Can you stop?" I gave another pull from her iron grip but it did nothing but be hauled up the stairs of the West Wing.

I grasped the railing of the staircase, hugging it to my chest as Helena pulled harshly and I was afraid she was going to pop my shoulder but the sound of her groan and inaudible curses told me otherwise. She jumped to the step I was on and tried to pry my arms off the rail. Feeling her body pressed up against mine from behind, her warmth radiating off her brought shivers down my spine. I squeezed my eyes shut and clamped my lips sealed, resisting the urge to...moan?

"Quit it, Amanda!" Helena hissed, her cold fingers gripping my hands and pulled with great strength and we stumbled back almost collapsing on the steps but Helena quickly regained herself and caught us before any injuries were done.

I peeled myself from her and ran up the steps two at a time only to hear her cleats slamming against the wooden stairs. "Leave me alone, Helena!"

"No can do, sweetheart," her honey-like voice made my heart flutter but I ignored the feeling when the image of her and Cassandra kissing on the field appeared before my eyes.

I gritted my teeth and turned a deliberate left, not caring if it wasn't my usual way to get to my dorm but it only made Helena stagger for a few moments before chasing me down. I picked up my speed, my blond hair blew aback from the running speed I was going.

"Amanda!" She yelled, her footsteps coming closer.

I put more energy into my legs, ignoring my muscles screaming at me to stop. I needed to get away from her. I wanted to be left alone and not be reminded by Helena and Cassandra kissing but then it dawned on me: Cassandra was my roommate. Just seeing her would bring up those images. Anger and jealousy coursed through my veins but anger was overpowering this sudden jealous emotion inside of me. Cassandra told me to steer clear from Helena yet she locked lips with the very person she warned me about. Such a hypocrite.

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