VII. Hiding in Closets with the Boogeyman

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-Beauty doesn't define by appearance but what is within. NEVER stop believing you're not beautiful because you are. Be confident. Be YOU. <3


Stubborn Hearts:

VII.   Hiding in Closets with the Boogeyman


I didn't want to look back.

I was afraid of what I might see. I was afraid that if I look back, I would trip and start crawling like a pathetic idiot just like those girls who die in the beginning of a Horror movie. Maybe it was my own mind telling me to stop watching those movies and start gushing over heartthrobs in those chick flicks. The heavy footsteps snapped me out of my small moment of thinking as I turned a harsh left. Why can't I just scream and alert the administrators that I was being chased and possibly be killed if I was caught? 

Oh, right!

My mouth wouldn't goddamn open when a scream was just in the base of my throat, wanting to escape. My legs screamed for me to stop and rest in sync with my bellowing lungs while my mind told me, 'Run, bitch!' 

My breasts bounced and it was one reason out of a billion others why I hate being a girl. It was the prime sight for guys to ogle and when you're running, it's like Baywatch for them. I had to slip my bra strap back up onto my shoulder only to do it again. It felt like my breasts were about to escape from my bra. 

I turned onto the staircase and ran up two at time leading me into a secluded hall where I began turning doorknobs that led to classrooms, hoping one of these doors would magically open. Why wasn't this hall being used, for crying out loud?! Of course, this was the Science building where this hall was kept secluded due to the fire incident a couple months back. The floor of the hall had burned edges along with the black spotting underneath some doors. The windows at the end of the hall were broken, letting some cool air breeze through.

"Where the hell did she go?" A male voice hissed.

My heart pounded erratically as I continue to try every door to see if it was unlock. My breathing coming out in pants while my trembling hands made it harder for me to hide. Why was this happening to me? What the hell did I do wrong? I didn't cross any lines with no gang nor anyone who had the strength to kill someone?! 

The stomping came closer and a soft squeak came out of my mouth as I rushed to the far end of the hall, hoping the door on the right was unlocked. With the bitter luck I had, the door was unlocked - I sent a silent prayer to the stars for that - and I quickly closed it behind me. Darkness swallowed me whole as I covered my mouth with my hands and hid in the far corner of the small room. I could feel spider webs tickling my skin and I fought the urge to freak out and probably blow my cover. Just imagining a disgusting eight legged insect flowing down the wicked darkness of this small - probably may be my murder scene - room and landing on my head made me shudder in disgust.

Tears brimmed the corner of my eyes as my imagination became my nightmare. Ghostly fingers trailed up my legs; the darkness laughing cruelly in my ears. How long would I be locked in here? Until my sanity turns against me?

"She couldn't have just disappeared, Leo!" A man grunted out in frustration outside in the hall. "We got a runaway witness on our hands leaving us in a jeopardizing position with the Boss!"

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