XXXIII. The Love of a Savior and a Phantom

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The last chapter of SH. I feel pretty bummed out that this story is coming to a close already. But it was worth it. THANK YOU to everyone who supported and enjoyed this story, I wouldn't done without you guys.

All we need is an epilogue and the story to Amanda and Helena comes to an end.

Hope you guys enjoy it and May the Force be with you, padawans :D


Stubborn Hearts:

XXXIII.   The Love of a Savior and a Phantom


I was stunned.

I was more than stunned. I couldn’t believe my own ears as I heard Helena say those words that made my heart speed up and for the butterflies swirl through tornadoes of frenzy in my stomach. It felt too surreal to think that Helena had just confessed that she loved me let alone is kissing me at this moment. I just stood there letting this girl - who’s mood swings were unpredictable may I add - kiss me with all the passion she had hidden behind that cold exterior. 

Her lips just like I remembered them were soft with a slight hardness to them while she kissed my limp lips. I was still too shocked to respond to her kiss that made my toes curl and my fingertips tingle. Yet her words replayed in my mind over and over again, repeating themselves as a lulling lullaby, coaxing me that this moment would forever be engraved in my mind. Timidly, afraid that my response would snap her out of the kiss and regret saying those words, I kissed her back.

I was afraid of how strong these feelings were as they raged inside of me, screaming at me to express everything I felt for this girl through the kiss yet I was coy. But it didn’t stop Helena from trailing her hands that were cupping my cheeks down my arms to my waist, pulling me close to her body. I felt every outline against me. The way her breasts flushed against mine, the feel of our hips rub softly against each other. Helena’s grip on my waist tighten as her tongue licked my bottom lip so expertly before she grabbed my snakebite between her teeth eliciting a soft gasp from me. 

Without hesitating, her tongue dwelled into my mouth sending more electricity rushing through my body at the feel of our tongues dancing with one another; a dance so secretive and compassionate. My arms wounded around her neck, easing myself on my tip-toes as the kissing became intense. Who knew I would be hearing this Phantom admit of loving me when just months ago did we hate each other’s guts and the idea of being stuck together as a rival gang was gunning for me. 

Slowly, the kiss was dying out becoming pecks yet I couldn’t help but grin, feeling like a school girl being kissed by her crush. I peeked at Helena through my eyelashes to see her smiling, a tint of redness staining her cheeks as she gazed up, looking as if she was embarrassed of blushing yet I found it cute. Reaching out to caress her cheek, I couldn’t help but feel…whole. The fear that had swallowed me through every day and night had succumbed into the dark as I stood here with Helena. She made me forget about my fear of being in the outside world when a certain Hellcat was still roaming. 

She was my Phantom willing to protect me while I was her savior. 

And like a light switch, Helena’s features hardened and she brought down her head to fully gaze at me with those emotionless eyes of hers. Her lips that bruised from our kissing were pinched into a thin line as she stared at me, almost as if she was searching for something. Was she thinking that she would be seeing regret for this kiss? Did she think I was regretting ever opening that door?

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