XIII. The Secrets Spill While Blood Drips: Part One

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Stubborn Hearts:

XIII:   The Secrets Spill While Blood Drips: Part One


I watched as those hazel eyes darkened with such rage yet her face was impassive; something that I didn’t like to trust whether thinking she was calm and collective or let the rage swirling in those eyes fool me. The room seemed to thicken with tension along with the silence. Helena didn’t bother to utter a word and break the silence. I was afraid to even open my mouth again to blurt out any other accusation but I knew for a fact, this girl harmed Lois. Helena even said it--


She started this. She ordered Sam to do hurt Lois over something so stupid. What person can harm another over something idiotic? I tore my gaze away from Sam towards Helena who seemed to be ready to pounce on Sam with her deadly glare set on her. Her jaw was clenched tightly and her fists trembled at her sides. Why was she mad at her? I don’t know but if they were friends, Helena would have done something into defending her not just shoot daggers at her. 

“You did this,” I finally said, bringing those violet eyes towards me.

Her glare slightly softened for a second before they reverted back to Sam and all that anger flooded in those violet orbs. “I didn’t do anything,” she spat, taking a menacing step towards Sam.

I glanced back at the girl with the harmonic voice only to see her lower her eyes to the floor and bow her head, accepting the future punishment Helena would bring her. Just the thought of Helena hurting Sam didn’t go well by me. It was as if I wanted to protect this girl who I hardly knew. I wanted to keep Helena away from her. It was as if I had this motherly instinct towards this girl and would want nothing to harm her physically and emotionally. I heard the way she sang with the hidden sorrow and pain; how I wanted to hug that pain away and keep anything from hurting her. That’s what I wanted to do and if it was standing between an angry Helena and a shameful Sam, then so be it.

“Yes, you did,” I said, sternly, standing in front of Sam and facing Helena who seemed shocked in seeing me defend a stranger. “I heard you, Helena, about how you wanted Sam to take care of ‘this’ which ‘this’ meant hurting Lois over something so stupid! You can’t hurt an innocent human being over something so--”

“I suggest you to close that pretty mouth of yours, Amanda,” Helena threatened, taking another step towards us. “And before your mind starts thinking any more accusations, I didn‘t hurt that girl. Yes, she made me the laughing stock among her friends while they caught it in camera. I’m not very fond of childish games like theirs, Amanda. While you’re running around thinking up shit that I’m the reason for Lois’s beatings then, you’re wrong. Dead wrong. I know better to beat someone who has no reason in threatening my life or even have the chance in fighting back. I was angry as to why her and her pathetic friends made a game into kissing me while they caught it in camera but as I calmed down, I stopped Sam from laying a finger on her. The only thing I wanted was for Sam to just scare her, a simple shove into the lockers nothing more life-threatening.”

I stayed silent, watching Helena closely as her violet eyes flickered to Sam for a brief second and that anger that was slowly dissipating  as she spoke to me was beginning to blaze into hungry flames of rage. What was it that brought anger towards Sam? Why was Helena so mad whenever her gaze landed on the girl behind me? There had to be a reason as to why there was rage always clawing behind those violet eyes and that continuous shameful look on Sam’s face. Apart from that, I still couldn’t believe Helena’s words. There was a hidden warning directed to me to not push this any longer; to not question her any further or else something would be said that my own mind won’t be able to sink in. 

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