XXIV. The Girl Behind the Cold Mask

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  • Dedicated to TO ALL MY FANS<3

Alas, a new chapter. Enjoy it because shit is about to go down and after that shit goes down, some more shit is coming your way.

-I thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting my stories. With great love, I give you this chapter to read. <3



Stubborn Hearts:

XXIV.    The Girl Behind the Cold Mask


Take a deep breath and exhale, releasing all the anger you have inside.

The exercise of releasing the pent up anger inside of me wasn’t working nor was the whimpering at my feet. My grip on the gun tightened even more to the point of my knuckles going stark white beneath the tattoos. The smell of urine and vomit filled my nose and I quickly ignore the urge to cover my nose from the horrid smell. I wasn’t in the mood to let my instincts to escape the unpleasantness of this alley. I had expected after the little dispute with those Outsiders that Tony had sent out that I would be free from any restraints that would make me explode. Unfortunately, Danni’s words rang in my mind. 

‘We had many casualties when she took her position as the Head of the Phantoms, way more than when her brother was Head and it’s a good thing Brandon isn’t here. He’s better off in a coma than seeing his sister destroy the Phantoms.’

I rolled my shoulders, letting my bones crack before I placed the muzzle of the silencer onto the frightened man’s forehead, digging it deep into his skin. 

“Why were you following me?” I asked him, cocking the gun.

A smirk began to tug at my lips at the satisfaction filling inside of me as I watched the fear in the man’s dark eyes as he eyed the gun in my hands. It was only in that moment that the anger burning inside of me was sedated. I had forgotten of the words Danni had spoke or the yearning for Amanda’s lips that I was glad I had the chance to kiss. I had let the familiar coldness freeze everything inside of me as I let the role of being Head of the Phantoms come over me. I let my position remind me of who I once was before I let a girl invade my thoughts and let me forget who I was supposed to be.

But…that feeling of not having a title over my head and responsibilities being piled onto my shoulders was actually nice.

I was just simply Helena.

No rank was given to me to remind me of what gang I was from.

I was the girl I used to be before I was shoved into the position I was in right now. 

“Please,” the man pleaded, not caring that he was showing all his emotions through those dark eyes of his. The innocence that was glistening in them reminded me of the girl who was in my reach not long ago. “I need your help.”

“Sorry, I don’t do charity cases,” I told him, my voice so foreign to me as if the numbness that vacated my body made my voice detached from everything else. So callous that not even myself could portray so much coldness into my tone. 

I unlocked my gun and slipped into the inside pocket of my jacket. I gave the man one last look before I turned and began to walk further deep into the alley. My shoes slapping against the soiled ground, the only sound within this alley.

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