XII. Following the Harmonies of a Misfit

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Dedicated to BeyondStardust cuz she gave me this idea and if it wasn't for her and her assessiveness to update, I would've taken much longer lol

I actually wanna tell you guys how much you mean to me. I've been a horrible person and not uploading most of my stories and you guys still stick around. I do my best in each chapter for you guys. Love you guys and thank you for all the support <3



P.S the vid to the right is where the italic lyrics is from. Just so ya know... :)



Stubborn Hearts:

XII.   Following the Harmonies of a Misfit


"You know, you could at least knock before you make your dramatic entrance," Rhea sighed, heavily, running a slender hand through her black hair as she leaned back against the desk. Her golden blue eyes held that wicked taunt while the rest of her was closed off as always. 

My eyes continued to stay on the girl who stood in the doorway. How those angry flames that brewed in those violet orbs were getting much brighter as hatred and disgust fueled it. Her short, black hair was messy as if she just yanked on her hair in frustration. I still didn't understand the way my heart skipped a beat each time I saw her or the butterflies fluttering in my stomach even though the kiss I saw her share with Cassandra was still burning in the back of my head. As much as my body reacted to Helena's appearance, I could still feel Rhea's lips on mine. That faint touch that not long ago was occupied by her full lips.

"Or I could punch that smirk off your face," Helena snapped back.

She was that person I saw when she dealt with Lois in the hallway. She became closed off and intimidating. Her violet eyes became guarded yet blazed with fury. Her stance was stiff and just looking at her frightened me. Rhea may be a person who had that deadly aura around her but Helena seemed more dangerous that I have ever seen her right now. 

"Leave, Amanda," Helena gritted out, her gaze never leaving Rhea.

"Giving orders, Helena?" Rhea chuckled. "It's not like your orders would be listened."


I flinched from Helena's harsh voice and quickly scurried out of the room. The sound of a door slamming and locking didn't stop me from running down the hallway. I didn't want to be anywhere near Helena. Whatever that was going to happen wasn't good and I needed to find someone who can help. I continued to run, hardly accepting the realization that no one was around when just before I went to the Yearbook room, the halls were still filled with students. My heart was still beating frantically in my chest and my breathing came out in heavy pants.

As I turned the corner, I suddenly bumped into a soft body making me stagger back and quickly regain my balance before I fell. I looked up, muttering billions of apologies only to meet those aqua green eyes that belonged to Dani. She was dressed in her softball uniform that hugged her body not so tightly neither loose. It fitted her perfectly. Her turquoise Mohawk was braided with a white bow tying it in the end. The side of her body was dirtied as if she slid down a pile of dirt. 

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