XIX. As Phantoms Collide, a Past is Revealed

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Sorry for the long wait you guyssssss

Fall semester has already started and I already have papers to do plus my job has given me some overtime on certain days. I'll try to upload faster and also with HM, LM.

Hope you guys like it <3



Stubborn Hearts:

XIX.      As Phantoms Collide, A Past is Revealed


Spring Break.

After this Friday, everyone would be going to their homes and relaxing into their beds or spend time with their friends and family. 


I would be walking into a quiet house with no one awaiting me at the door. I would have no one enveloping me into a warm hug and murmuring how much they missed me. I would not be welcomed into the sweet smell of cooking or the sounds of a piano playing upstairs. 


I would not have the blissful moments as most of these students in this school would have. Instead of hugs and kisses, I would be welcomed with silence and unwanted memories. I would be reminded of the past that I desperately locked away. I would be reminded of the friendship that’s been cutting itself thinner and thinner whenever I saw her. Scratch that, whenever I saw them. They were the cause of taking everything I dearly loved away from me. They were the cause of the girl I came to be - someone difficult to understand and who couldn’t trust anyone so easily. 

It’s as if being taken from that one thing changed my life drastically. I couldn’t walk into my own house without feeling that never ending fury burning my veins or when I see those two and the only thoughts running through my head was snapping their necks. Though, being the leader of the Phantoms, I had to represent myself as someone who could not break. Someone who could keep their composure intact when the enemy is trying to taunt me.

But why is it when I entered the room with those two certain people, I throw away all the training I was taught and want to lunge at them to the point of killing them? 

My emotions were haywire whenever I was near them. I just wanted to feel their necks in my hands, seeing the emotions flashing in their eyes as they realize they’re on the brink of death before ending their life. It was a gruesome thought I had but they deserved as much pain as I had gone through. 

They deserved so much more than just pain.

I rested my forehead against the lockers, letting the coolness of the metal numb the fury within me for this short moment. I didn’t want to start going around the school punching lockers that would result me in going to the Counselor’s Office ordered by Danni’s mother. 

I had told her I was fine; that I had my anger problems under control.

For the woman to believe my lies seemed farfetched. 

Even Danni could see right through them besides, she was my best friend and knew everything that goes on my head. Though, nowadays, Danni was becoming distant little by little. I didn’t like that one bit especially when Tony’s Hellcat is running around and little Amanda is now under my protection. I needed Danni by my side. Who knows what those Vendetta scum are planning.

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