XX. A Mother's Embrace Helps Forget Everything

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Sorry for the late upload you guysss!!!

I know I've been saying that for each upload but I'll try to upload quicker. <3


Stubborn Hearts:

XX.    A Mother's Embrace Helps Forget Everything


I didn’t know what to say.

What could you reply to that? I didn’t want to blurt out something stupid only to make this girl who always seemed angry and difficult to have a conversation with regret revealing something so troubling that affected her life and her friendships. Even if she didn’t fully explain as to why or how Sam and Ella put her brother into a coma, I knew it was hard for her to even utter those words. Just looking at those violet eyes of hers that held such raw emotions and a hidden sadness told me it was. 

I didn’t realize that I had stop dabbing the cloth against her cheek as I continued to stare at her, completely shocked and sympathetic. I somewhat understood where she was coming from. If I had a friend who put my sibling in danger which resulted into putting them in a coma, I would have a grudge clutching with anger and hatred. But that’s where the difference between Helena and I came. I knew for a fact if I had a sibling and one of my friends put them in danger, I wouldn’t be holding a grudge for a long time as she had. I would have forgiven them yet still be wary of them.

I was a Langston.

We were known to be forgiving people though, nowadays it was starting to feel like we were more of a group of hypocrites when it came to Aunt Wendy…

I suddenly felt a light touch on my jaw only to come to realize that Helena was skimming my skin with her fingertips. Her violet eyes hid the emotions I had seen, covering them up with a flame that could be read as anger. She was probably being consumed of the memories of her past which brought me back to my dilemma. What can I tell Helena that could at least bring a smile to her face and vaguely forget what she had confessed to me? I felt the words clawing up my throat, itching to be spit out but I held it back down. 

‘I’m sorry’ wasn’t fit for this situation right now.

Her brother hasn’t passed away and I had a feeling Helena wouldn’t pull the plug on him. She would continue to wait for him to wake up.

“You don’t have to say anything,” she whispered softly, her violet eyes coming back to mine.

I frowned, “But I feel like I should. I thought you were just being a bitch to them for no reason…”

Helena chuckled lightly, dropping her hand back to her lap, “I don’t think they deserve to be treated with respect when they betrayed me. Family comes first and apparently, their love is their number one priority.”

“Maybe they only had each other during that time,” I told her, smoothing out the creases between her eyebrows.

Violet eyes narrowed on me as her lips twitched to a half smirk. “You know, Danni told me those exact words when I wanted to rip Sam’s head off.”

I smiled, keeping my eyes away from those hypnotic violet orbs. I didn’t want to be lured in them and start thinking up scenarios of what could happen in this bathroom. The same bathroom Helena shared with Danni. The very same roommate that may or may not had confessed her feelings for me. With that in mind, I stepped back and threw away the used cotton rolls and washed my hands. I ignored the heat that rolled off of Helena as she stood next to me whilst I roughly cleaned my hands. I ignored the closeness between us or the scorching gaze that was on me. 

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