XXVII. The Clashing of Two Rivals: Part One

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Stubborn Hearts:

XXVII.   The Clashing of Two Rivals: Part One


“What do you want?”

I arched an eyebrow at Danni who assessed me quickly before glancing over my shoulder to the three Guerrillas standing behind me. I expected a friendly greeting from her but it seemed our relationship was on the rocky edges before it tumbles over into nothingness. Since we became distant and I was put into having more responsibilities than usual, I began to see the faults in our friendship. 

Danni was there for me when Brandon was put in a coma and my parents’ death. She was there for me when I became Head of the Phantoms. She saw my dark side and knew the reasons why I can’t let anyone in without being pushed away and having my attention solely focus on the gang. I was sixteen when my world changed. I had seen more than anyone else. It changed me completely. Though with the title as Head, I was still there when Danni mourned for her father. I was her shoulder to cry on. I was the best friend she deserved but now, she was becoming a spoilt brat and was throwing me into the flames with the Eagle reprimanding me each time she made a mistake.

Not anymore.

As much as I love Danni as if she was the sister I always wanted, she was still a Phantom. A Phantom follows their boss’s orders without defiant. And all Danni did was defy me and made me look like a complete idiot to the rest of the gang. But not anymore. The Eagle was tired of her complaints and making his niece look bad in front of the whole gang and so was I. 

She wanted to treat me like I was nothing but a weak scum who’s title meant nothing to her then I will treat her the way I should have in the beginning. I would make her feel like she was nothing but scum. I pitied her before when she begged me to give her the title as Advisor to continue her father’s work but that title should be given to someone who’s loyal and works hard to keep the Head from faltering. 

“Is your mother around?” I asked her, glancing over her shoulder to the emptiness behind her.

“No…?” Her dark eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as those aqua green eyes gazed back at me, searching for reasons of my presence but there was none to be shown to her.

I nodded. “Good. It would be best if I didn’t have her questioning for reasons as to why I would do this.”

“Do what?” I could see the sheen of fear in her eyes and as much as it hurts me to do this, I couldn’t have a weakling in the pyramid of the Phantom rankings. 

Soon, she’ll be the cause of the domino effect she has on you, Helena, I recalled the Eagle telling me before I came to Danni’s doorstep. It is best to remove her before there is anymore complications that would effect not only your future but the gang’s as well.

I gazed back at the best friend I knew for more than ten years and almost broke my composure to comfort her and take away the hidden fear from her eyes but I couldn’t. I had made my decision. I could not fail anymore. The last failure I had made was still eating at me, making it difficult to sleep at night without having those innocent ocean blue eyes burning behind my eyelids. 

“I, Helena Davis,” I began, hearing my voice as cold as the devil’s heart, “revoke your title as Advisor. Daniela Williams, daughter of Dimitri Williams, would no longer assist me in any Phantom affairs and would be no less than a Guerrilla and a Goblin. Defy my orders and the consequences would be grave.”

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